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My Oldest Living Brother Passed Yesterday In Houston, Our Hometown



It was great news on the 15th for me making 8 years of recovery, then the day afterwards on the 16th, yesterday my brother passed at the hospital in Houston, Texas. He was one month from being 89 years old. His birthday would have been February 17th to make him 89. I guess God had other plans for him in heaven to call him home "saying job well done my servant." He is the brother I knew more than any of my other brothers. He has been in Houston living on the same street since before I was born. He build the house my mom and I lived in about 5 houses from him. He taught me to drive at 14 using his car and how to mow the lawn using a 2 wheel push mower.


That has been very hard for me last night in trying to sleep knowing he is gone on to heaven but I come back to my senses knowing every human has to travel that highway one day! We know not the day nor the hour but our time will come as sure as we were born. Saturday we celebrate his home going in Houston at 11am. I know already it will be a bit hard on me but I plan on staying strong as my darling wife will be by my side as usual.


I'm the 18th child of my mom and dad of which 12 lived pass pass 3 months, 6 didn't live very long after birth. Back then ALL births were done at home by a Mid Wife as they were called and still are in some cases. Had we been born in hospital I'm sure some of the six would have survived longer than they did. My mom was born in 1898 and had her first child at 15 in which was in 1913. I came alone in 1941 as the number 18th live birth with one set of twin girls. Today our family consist of three boys and two girls. One of the girls is one of the twins while the other one passed in 2009. They were born just ahead of me in in 1935.


Doing those times in most families as the kids got grown they left home and out on their own so a couple of my brothers I never knew or has seen in person until shortly before their deaths. I went off to the Army and was only home on occasions in my 22 years of service. I missed a lot of get togethers I'm sure where most of them would have been home since our mom was still living until 1981 when she was 83 years old but in great shape. I retired in 1979 so I was home for her passing. That hit me pretty hard too. She signed for me to enter the Army and told me then she would pray for me to come back home alive. I still put God first in my life and always will!



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i am so sorry to hear that your brother has pass away it sounds like your big brother was very close to you and has taught you alot of great things to carry on in life with all the good memories of your brother yes god did have a plan for your brother and i will pray for your brother for a safe and comfortable passing into god s arms and remember as long as you remember your brother in your head and in your heart he will always be by your side and still teaching you admirable quilities all the best to you fred i am so sorry for your loss

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I am so sorry to hear passing of your brother, but I am sure he is at better place today & will meet you all again one day. bet you must have lot of good memories of your brother in your heart.



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Fred, you will carry those good memories with you and that counts for a lot. I will be thinking of you and praying that your strength and faith will carry you through this trying time and you will be a blessing to others.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Fred, you have my condolences as well. It is sad but knowing he lived a full life and is in God's hands should help you to accept his death.



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I am so sorry to hear about your brothers death. I will pray for you and hope that you have some peace during the memorial service on Sat.



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Guest hostwill



I'm sorry for your loss. I just pray the Lord will give you comfort during these hard trials.


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Thanks my friends, this will be a hard one like it was with my dad when I was very young but the memories will live on forever! The last two nights have been very hard for me trying to sleep. It's going to take time I guess?


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Fred, No words will take your pain away. But know that we would, if we could, and that we're all waiting to hear how you're doin'. What a legacy your big brother left you! Becky

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I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother. May you find peace and comfort in the wonderful memories he has left behind. God Bless!



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Thanks again you all, you may not know what it means to me at this time to hear encouraging word and condolences from you'll, but it takes away some of the pain of facing this alone. I'll make it in due time, thanks again! :thumbup:


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fred, i too am so sorry to hear of your brothers passing. it will take time to get over the loss. loosing a family member is tough. sounds like you have alot of good memories to help you get through your loss. having such a big family, each sibling is special to you in 1 way or another. he was a good brother to you. i wish you peace and comfort knowing he is with the lord and is watching over you like he did in his younger years.

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