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The big 60



Thank all of you so much for the birthday greetings. I had to work extra time time today and had free caregiving, so took it. I got to Chat later, but apparently there are problems. Thank you Sue, Sally, Ruth, Sarah and Julie and all here at Strokenet for the well wishes.


I have six close friends from grammar school. We try to have dinner every three months and I am the first of the group to hit the big 60. For our 50th, none of us wanted parties with the ever popular 50s toilet paper-lol, so told our families we were doing something different. We all still had family celebrations, but none of the big to-dos or surprises with 50 million people. We met, as a group, every month. Cake or cupcakes, candles, silly hats-just the seven of us. Sometimes an overnight or a weekend. But we got to celebrate 50 twelves times. A wonderful year. We planned to do that again for our 60th.


10 years later: Moe is in remission with lung cancer. She never smoked a day in her life. Was forced to retire from a job she has held since we were in high school. But is enjoying her brand new twin grandsons. Shelly contracted Lyme's disease on a skiing trip and then a brain aneurysm. Then the glue to hold her aneurysm together was recalled! Talk about scary. We joke and say her brain was recalled. Chris suffered a stroke in July. She has some memory and vision issues, under control and celebrated my Goddaughter's wedding and now her son is engaged, due to marry in the fall. Frosty. who had seen a husband through a terrible legal trial, was told he had had a girl friend for years and divorced her. She has finally been able to purchase the family home with the help of her brother and sister. A home all seven of us shared so many memories of. Judy suffered the early death of her husband to Cardiac disease. She was his only caregiver for two years Then had to raise her two boys. .Laurie married and moved to England, only to be called back for a horrific death of her Mom and a year later, her Dad.


Today I had out our Kindergarten pix. Moe and Frosty look so much the same, in my mind. Then all of us at 8th grade graduation and high school. That was as much as I could do. All checked in, of course. Obviously we won't be doing the monthly thing this year. Shelly is planning a dinner in March.


I am sorry somewhat that I am the first birthday of the year. As caregivers you all understand that even though it is your birthday, you are still the caregiver. We have a very hectic week and Bruce is off-routine. I have been working since Mary Beth left Sunday morning on getting things organized for the week-meals, laundry, errands, therapy schedule, directions for the caregivers, putting in extra hours at work. Bruce wished me Happy Birthday when I helped him transfer this morning. I love all my cards and greetings, but really was so busy with the new schedule, didn't much think about it. Then the group started to check in and I realized how important this was to all of us, on a much different level.


Last night we had our first snow of 2012. I love the quiet and beauty. Sat at the window for a long time. It did not last, we had temps in the upper 40s today, but it was quite a gift. And then to be reminded today of how much we touch others and don't really acknowledge that, until we are reminded. Debbie


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Debbie, I missed the 60th birthday party, just wasn't in the mood, instead I did the 40th anniversary party a year later with the boys helping. I am so glad e 0th, thatI did it with Ray sharing the limelight. I have the photos in the ruby anniversary frames and that is good. I understand what you said about the 50th birthday, that seemed more important to me too. This year in June I will be 65.


I marvel at the way you do such a good job with Bruce and work too. You are very organized. I have never been that way. When I was caring for Ray I just put one foot in front of the other and somehow got everything done. Now I feel as if I am creating life out of chaos most of the time.



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Debbie, you sound like you had a great 60th. Larry and I celebrated that one (a few years ago). lol I use to do the birthdays with friends every year but now it has gone from 6, to 4 and now to none. A shame as friends are the best ones you can have to share with.


It has turned very cold here. Took Larry for a blood draw yesterday and once I got him in car the wind slammed door on me. I sent the list of Larry's diet/calories per meal to Dr. Hope he finds something to help with Larry's weight.


I went to the dermatologist for my follow up from skin cancer last year. She found one spot (a mole) on my back that looked "funny" and took a biopsy. Hope it is okay.


I miss hearing of others from chat. I hope they all post this week.



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I been gone all day so I'm late in seeing your blog but happy birthday lady at #60, you are now a certified senior citizen, hooray!!


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Belated happy Birthday, after 40 & stroke age & weight are just 2 numbers I don't worry about. I love the idea of celebrating all the birthday with friends sounds so special. I am so happy & envious of you still being friends with your grammer school. wow. I lost touch with every one as I moved on at different stages of my life.




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Sorry I missed your birthday.....hope you had a great day! We'll have cake and ice cream on Tuesday next week for a belated party if chat is back up, okay?? I might even sing "Happy Birthday" after everyone has had enough to drink, so they don't notice I can't carry a tune! lol



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