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finally got computer fixed



finally took the plunge and brought my computer to a professional.nephew just couldn't do an easy fix. 1st thought it was ribbon cable,estimate $ 200 + i said forget it.found a man who works from his house 2 streets down .ribbon cable was cheapest possible fix bought but wasn't problem. next he tried lcd screen. nope 3rd time's the charm motherboard.

. so here i finally am .however he was able to return other items and bought motherboard .he worked very hard and also cleaned hard drive all for less than the 200 from 1st place. basically it's a new computer. yay.

for christmas sons bought me a kindle fire so i could still get email and check things out at stroke network. i didn't write because the keys are incredibly small and woud constantly hit wrong keys .

it's probably better i couldn't write because i am beside myself with news that son with kids is heading for divorce .wife says she loves him but is not in love with him. most of this started with that horrendous job he had. working 7 am to 7pm 6 days a week. then after 2 days would work the 7pm to 7am shift. with the 1 1/2 hr. commute each way it left little time for family and sleep plus hated, hated the job. he declined the job he really wanted because it was temporary and didn't want to chance being laid off in dec. .he had a meltdown when wife said she was going motorclycle riding with some man my son didn't know. and despite his objections to go, she came home at 1:30 am. he had screaming match and said things he shouldn't and agreed to go to anger management. couple of weeks later,she went out until 2am. :growl: she says she only wants to be responsible for herself. sorry that's not how life goes esp. with 2 kids. i've been a wreck. son wants to try counselling. she doesn't. meanwhile 2nd son has bought a house and is to have closing on the 15th and .he should be very happy but now it looks like he'll have his brother as a roomate. :notfair: he'll be the one moving out because he doesn't make enough money and he can't get abby on school bus because he leaves at 5:30 am for work.meanwhile in the middle of this he got a new job; so i thought things would be better. he works for the railroad 4 days a week mon- thurs. 6:30am to 4:30pm each day.however things aren't improving. so that's what has been going on with me.


this month marks my 10th year anniversary since stroke and still plugging along .i have a lot of catching up to do on reading but have to watch superbowl.

at least the weather has been kind to us. the only measurable snow we've had was in october.crazy. hope i didn't jinx it .please keep son and family in your long list of prayers. blessings lynn


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Lynn: so sorry. It is so hard when the kids have difficulties. My Mom was alone for years before Dad died. He had to accept a position on the road just after the twins were born, to help make ends meet. He was gone Monday through Friday and sometimes had to fly out on Sunday.


I can only imagine my Mom's emotional state-all over the board, I am sure. And I was only 10 and the oldest of 7 at the time.


They will get through this. Fortunately his brother will be able to help. It will get more difficult before there is closure, but hopefully with the new job and some space, all will settle down.


Wonderful on the computer! I have my guru as well. Welcome back and please know you and your family are in my prayers. Debbie

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Lynn, Ray worked from home but six days a week , often early and then late so I know that "left behind" feeling. However we worked at it and managed 43 years before we separated due to his illness.


Try to pace yourself and remember that in the end it is your son who has to work all this out.



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