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Sam has decided to leave



It would seem that working with brain injury patients all day, then coming home to deal with me has become too much for Sam.


So much sothat he disappears for hours at a time and resents my wanting to know where he will be and about when he will come back. He calls it resenting any time he is not at home with me. In plain truth, it is simply having a place to start a search in case the worst happens and I have to contact authorities. If he would take a moment to reflect, this is NOTHING I did not make the kids do and it is nothing do not do for him.


So much so that when his phone rings he has to "take a walk to be able to get reception" when he doesn't seem ot have that problem if he makes a call, only when he receives one. He resents my askig, off-handedly, who called him, though he insists in not only "briging memy phone," but in ANSWERING it for me while he is bringing it the 2 feet from the table to where I am sitting.


So much so that he accuses me of not taking my zoloft on purpose, when in plain point of fact, I also take valium, so I'd have to be choosing not to take that also before there would be any negative impact to my mood, especiallysince I take the valium 4 times a day. It amazes me that he, as a medical professional, cannot seem to remember that.


Personally, I think he is looking for "greener pastures." His behavior changed after his friend Julie left her husband. He swares he was "just lending her emotional support," and at first, I believed him, but when he was spending more time on the phone with her or at her house, and she was feigning suicide attempts when I made him pull away, well, I think anyone reading this can see where I am going. Of course, he excuses her fake suicide attempts, but calls me a strident, controling bitch.


So, ok, fine. Leave. I've survived 3 previous divorces, lupus and 2 strokes. I can survive this too. But know this, if you leave, you leave. I don't give second chances. To do so would be to send a message that I will allow someone to walk all over me and treat me poorly. Well, that just is not how I play things. Done is done, that means gone, with a d. I never looked back with the previous 3. I am not about to change that now, not even for him. I am worth more than that, much more.


I called the kids and told htem what was going on. Garion (21) and Laney (19), told me not to worry, they would never let anything happen to me and would be there, 24/7, all I had to do was call. Logan (18) could only manage to say "Ok." Logan is the one I have had problems relating to,since he does not try to spend any time with me, but then resents it when I don't recognize him right away, or remember things that happened in our past. But that is another story for another time.


Anyway, I am hurt, I'm upset, and I feel like the rug was just pulled out from underneath me AGAIN. But I was born a survivor and I am still a survivor, so I will survive this too. In the end, I know ALL my kids will be there if I stumble.


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you are survivor & you will come out of this stronger than before. I am glad you have your kids & family by you to support you if you ever need actual support, in virtual world we are all here for you.


sending you lot of hugs. you are strong woman.



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Lydia, so sorry you are made to go through this again. I wish you all the best and strength to get you on the other side of this big hurdle. You have friends here, let us be your shoulder to cry on. We are here for you as much as online friends can be. Good luck Sweetie.



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Logan came to see me this morning. He is SOOOOOOO mad at Sam for this. He feels like he has lost ANOTHER father. I knew he would take it the hardest. It's just another example of Sam not caring or thinking about anyone but himself.

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Dear Lydi,

What is Sam thinking??!! You are the woman he loves and married. My thoughts are with you. Everyone here supports and cares about you. Always remember that.


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I am so sorry to hear this news. You are a survivor....You are a very valuable person.

You do have your children...They will support you. that is good.


I will continue to pray for you.



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The kids have been talking to each other. A friend of theirs has a manufactured home in a community that his renters just vacated. It is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home about 8 minutes from Garion & Jeanna. They are talking to him about a lease or lease-option for me. There is a huge back yard for the dog, community park, community pool, community fitness center and decks with ramps can be built on the home to accomodate me (I don't do stairs well). They will pack and move me and even go in before-hand and paint/walpaper/tile, anything I want, so that Monster & I have a "fresh start."


My mother thinks that is a wonderful idea.


My lease is up next moth. I can talk to the property manager since life shook my snowglobe again.


I'm feeling better and stronger today, instead of crying at the drop of a hat,like yesterday. I even started moving all of Sam's things into the back bederoom, making it a sort of "storage room," while I put teh rest of the apartment "just so," the way I want it, without having to accomodate or compromise with anyone else.


I'm still hurt and several times, today, I have felt like I was going to cry, but the tears never came. I guess I have run out of tears for Sam. His loss.


I didn't have and didn't need a man when I met Sam. Stroke or not, I don't need one now. I have my kids, my parents, my siste, and my friends. I will be fine.

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thanks for the update, you made my day, you are one tough cookie to break & I m sure man like Sam can't break it, I feel that housing arrangement sounds great, have a faith now that something better than what is now is going to come out of this heartache. God works mysterious way.



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you are so right . it is his loss. it sounds like a great new start. keep updating us. all the best. big hugs and blessings


love the phrase life shook my snowglobe again!

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