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please send prayers for husband



last year we thought we dodged surgery but this year surgery is scheduled for my husband on feb.29th. his carotid artery is 80%blocked. glad they found it before problems but still a scary thing.his father stroked 2 times during surgery but that was many years ago. he will not be able to driv :roadrage: e nor pick anything up over 5 pounds. normally it would be no heavier than a phone book but because he works outside and does heavy lifting, firewood,he's allowed the 5 pounds. i'll have to really watch him,. for 2 weeks. he's trying to get all his odd jobs done asap. fixed niece's tires yesterday. will do sister's brakes this his car's tire is flat ugh. meanwhile scott's( 2nd son's) closing took place today. yay. watched 2 yr. old grandaughter while oldest son todd tries to work out his separation. causes tears and anger .what a mess .took dog sable to vet; she's been losing weight and muscle mass, noticable .12+ years old and.arthritis is hurting her. i have her on glucosamine w/chondroitin.seems to help a little.

today the. vet called saying there was something wrong with either her liver or she might have cushing disease. instead of muliple testings and biopsies; we agreed to first try senior dog food and look for either improvement or worsening condition. last year had to put 16+ yr.old cocker spaniel down. 2012 not so great and. i hate february but art least we haven't had much snow.

so please add hubby to your long prayer chains.. you guys are the best :thumbsu:.blessings lynn


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Lynn: I am sorry, but time to adjust priorities. He is going in for surgery. Needs to be at top speed, health-wise. While the chores distract him from the scares of the upcoming surgery, you need to put a lid on the over-doing.


Bruce was, other than stroke, in very good health when he had his endarterectomy at 8 weeks post stroke and still I was a mess. We had the top Vascular Surgeon in the state, yet every time Bruce even moved, I held my breath hoping nothing would break off on the good side awaiting surgery.


This is a one day surgery. Surgeon with Bruce had to leave his stent in, artery kept collapsing after the plaque was removed, but that is OK as long as we had 100% circulation after the surgery. Bruce was home next day and other than watching the surgery site for infection, my attention was to stroke recovery, of course.


You are out a bit, so as long as hubby is the same cognitively and physically, other than being tired for a while, recovery should be quick as long as he sticks to lifting guidelines, rest and diet.


Take it from an old battle ax nurse, condition going into surgery is as important as coming out. Keep the stress levels low and do not let him get into hyperdrive. Encourage him to cuddle and rest with Sable, walk and eat well and most importantly rest often. Naps and a good night's sleep.


You know you all are in my thoughts and prayers and stay in touch, Debbie

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I'm new here, but sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers your way!! You have a lot on your plate right now, and wish I could help other than lending my support in words only, but sometimes that is enough to help carry us through.



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thanks for the kind words and encouragement. he does rest daily because his artifical knee is constantly in pain. he has had 3 knee replacements and many artroscopies on it, more than 10. he is not one to keep down but i'll do my absolute best he'll be a challenge.i'll keep you updated.h and call whenever needed.members of his fish and game club have offered to take him to lunch and to call when needed. he will take them up on it. one thing he will have the most problem with is not trap shooting on wed. and sundays.ause of the risks.beche is excellent and knows more about it than most of the members.he definitely won't take a chance on shooting because he knows the risks. he sees me each day. we're going to see my son's new house tommorrow so that should be a fun day.just keep up the prayers. thank you and blessings lynn

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Lynn, there is always something to challenge us in the stroke journey. You have a busy life made busier by being the caregiver to your husband and the nurturer to your family. I'm glad you are having a fun day on Sunday, that will help.


In taking care of others remember to take care of you too.



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