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Here is Hoping Another World War Will Not Start



I'm sure many of you are hearing about Iran's plans for a nuclear war and terrorist attacks around the world? That's the last thing any country needs now! There is enough fighting going on right now and to start more fighting is not the thing to do for most economy's! That worries me greatly! All I can do is pray it doesn't happen but this world has known wars and rumors of wars for generations! At no time will everyone be satisfied with what we have in each country!



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Syria is in shambles with human beings being slaughtered.daily We have NATO countries and I can only imagine should they be invaded by another country would the war actually be underway as that agreement stipulates! The US just can't stand to be involved in another war right now. It will still take some time for the US to leave Afghanistan but the human deaths continue. 58,000 lives lost in Vietnam, over 6,000 already lost in Iraq and Afghanistan while we were lead to believe they had Weapons Of Mass Destruction! To this day none has been found. I wish some of the stroke survivors and care givers here could visit Ft Hood, Texas and see the families suffering losses of family members and the survivors without legs and or arms that are doing the best they can daily to live! It's very hard to see and be among them looking at the suffering of men and women.


Then to know benefits will soon be cut for them with the deficit being what it is now in this economy is very hard to take! Anyone could see the whole picture right here in Texas! Another war involvement for US troops would be very devastating beyond comprehension!


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Keep praying Fred, the Good Book says: "The prayers of a good man availeth much". I remember that from my Sundays School days, an education not wasted on me.



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Fred, reading your blog I am reminded of my first visit to a major VA hospital for disability evaluation. As the wife and I were sitting in the cafeteria having breakfast, I teared up and stopped eating. The wife asked "are you alright?" I sputtered through the tears "no". She asked why and I told her "just look around you here at all the lives here permanently damaged by useless war". What a waste. People that have never been in a war don't understand how much a soldier hates war and how stupid it is.

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George, you should see the wounded soldiers here on Post! So many with missing limbs and me with arthritis, spine with crushed disc, brain surgery and now 8 years recovering from a stroke!


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Fred, you are one tough dude!! But your faith of God has seen you through more than one person should have gone through. In my nightly prayers I pray for all the service people all over the world. I too am sad and sick of so many men and women who have died or are disabled physically and emotionally from these "useless" ward.

I don't think we will ever see the peacetime I for one grew up with. I'm grateful I experienced it. My nephew is in the air force in Germany and is a Staff Sargent who is a mechanic, one the safest air force jobs as he doesn't fly. He's already done a duty n Afghanistan and Korea on the demileratized (sP?) zone and game back safe, thank the good Lord. I can see why some people think this is the beginning of Armageddon. Leah

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