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New cable company-Oh No!



Going to blog tonight. Tomorrow we switch to a new cable network and I can only guess the mess I will be in-LOL. So if I am MIA, you all know the reason.


I switched to a bundle package when Bruce first stroked. We had been considering it as we still had two phone lines, two computers on the extra phone line, I needed to simplify. Initial contract was $60.00 a month for computer, phone and TV-basic cable. Three years later it is $190.00/month. Ridiculous! plus we lost channels-lol.


Bruce continues to do well with the long leg brace. It is sad to see how the past year of inactivity took its toll on him. He was walking the entire street, twice daily with supervision only. He is now up to about 175 ft and is totally exhausted. He is optimistic. Says to me, "we will get there!" It is funny to see him walk back to me from therapy. I have been asked not to accompany him to therapy-new PT. Mary Beth and I were laughing this week when I explained it to her. His hair is straight out of his head, his eyes bugging out. It looks like she took him ten rounds and he lost-lol! But he likes her and is still willing to go, so can't be too horrible. He is so relieved to see me, but I have to bite my lips to keep from laughing.


Snow predicted for the weekend, again. So we will be out and about again on Friday and Saturday. Even tho last weekend's' snow was only a dusting, by prepping during the week I was able to spend some quality with the new Stephen King on Sunday and that was a treat.


I have seven friends from grammar school that I am close to. Our 60th birthday celebration is scheduled for Sunday and I have friends willing to come and stay with Bruce so I can go. So of course the weather is an issue. Monday we have eye doctors appointments. Not so much concern for Bruce, but since my glasses and backup glasses are destroyed, I am two prescriptions back and really need this. Not so much the appointment, but the new glasses-lol!


We are working on cleaning out and reorganizing. I think the stereo may be able to go. We will get one of those nice, small units. Ours is so 70s-huge, dust collecting and mostly we use my Ipod and a portable disc player. The vinyl albums will have to be catalogued-good job for Bruce, because they are worth money. And I am collecting his tools and getting them organized as Carl tells us they may also be worth selling.


So life moves forward. Recovery taking its own road. And hopefully I will be up and running without a glitch tomorrow. Debbie


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Give Bruce a pat on the back from me. He is doing so well. I am proud of him.


Have fun on Sunday.


Yes. continue to clean out and organize. That is my goal, also.


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Debbie, It is so exciting to hear about Bruce's attitude of willingness and hope. That is at least half the battle right there. I see really good improvement in the future with that attitude.

We have only lived in this house since Dick's strokes took us out of the gypsy lifestyle (RVing) so I only have less than 7 years accumulated in this house. Except for all the stuff Dick had in storage! Selling those things off has helped a LOT in the past few weeks. My house repairs were covered by the sale of his dad's stamp collection! The southwest jewelry paid this month's mortgage, etc. With my youngest moving out this month I am driven down into the former teen zone to sort and clean. Sometimes it is hard to part with things but I keep a controlled amount of "memories" and say goodbye to some things that I actually forgot about until seeing them again! So good luck, I am with you on the clean-up, reduce and simplify road.

Hugs and blessings, Ruth

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we recently changed it to FIOs from cable company & it has been painless though it took me fe days to get used to new remote & new channel numbers, but I m doing much better with changes nowdays, though I found out after changing had we talked to account manager of our cable company they could have done something about it, but anyways they lost our business for 2 years now. good uck with ckeaning, I feel it brings in lot of positive energy in the house & gives good sense of accomplishment when things are organised.




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That sounds like Time Warner cable which I have but my bill in Texas is 149 bucks with three cable boxes and 5 TVs and 4 computers all hooked up. I got one in the garage and thinking of one on the patio this coming summer.Oh well we can't take it with us, no Brinks truck follows the hearse to the final resting place you know! I just thank God I can enjoy my senior years with modern technologies. My wife is 60 this July and I'll be 71 so we got more years behind us than in front! Any kiddos can split what's left but I wanna enjoy what I worked for all those years!


I walk 5 driveways over most good days then 6 the next day in the other direction! That's about 300 yards I guess! Then I'm out there with the grand child while she rides her bike, scooter or drives her car but I'm on my scooter then because she loves to circle the block which is a mile for sure! Other days I ride my exercise bike when my health care lady shows up! Good luck with the cable company Debbie!


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