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.....Sometimes, if You are Really Lucky, God Lets You Watch



I've been trying to remoind myself, and live by the truism that there is no point in trying to get back at some one. What they have put out, eventually comes back to them and sometimes, if we are really lucky, God lets us watch. Well, Not only did I get to watch, but I ,unknowingly (at first) got to be the instrumentof some of Sam's Karma last night.


My sister and I went to the theater, to see the Improvised Shakespere Company - think Shakespere meets whose line is it anyway....on acid. We had an uproarious time and din't stop laughing from start to finish. Once I got back to my place, I called my friend Mike, who manages a club that Sam and I have requentede. He happened to mention that there was wa guy up at the club last night who was asking about me, and thought I might want to stop up for a little bit. Well, still feeling the effects of the shopw and not really wanting to stay in the house, I decided to go.


Low and behold, the guy asking about me was a friend of mine whose sons used to play with my children when they were yong. We simply fell out of touch over the years. I was floored. So, I decided to stay and have a drink or tow while we got to knw each other again. Nothing serious, not looking for anything, jut reconnecting with a good friend from about a decade ago.


We were having a great time, chatting and laughing. This is exavtly the kind of guy I can hang out with, take in a show, stay in and have pizza and a movie, with no romantic strings attached. We had just been very good friends. I was starting to think God was smiloing on me. Then I realized just how muh.....


Garion, my oldest, is one of the DJ's at this club and happened to be working last night. So, he saw mw and my friend enjoying each other's company and after an initial pausr to think "who the f*@#& is this guy, Garion recognized him. He also saw Sam come into the club lastnight, something I did not see.


Well, Sam saw me getting some positive attention from a man and at some point, pulled Garion aside to find out what the deal was. Garion told him this guy was just an old friend that I had happened to run into here and we were reconnecting. He tells me that Sam looked like he had been slapped in the face. Garion asked Sam if he was ok and reports that Sam told Garion he was "not in a good head space at that moment." Oh the sadistic joy I felt when Garion told me about that later!!!


Anyway, I had a great tiome reconnecting with my friend. We exchanged phone njumbers and promised to get together in the very near future (probably next weekend) for dinner or something. At the end of the evening, Sam watched him escort me to my car aqnd then sulked back into the club.


What he did not see was us exchange a hug, hten me get into my car and drive off alone. I went home, washed my face, changed into pajamas, and curled up to watch a movie with Monster. Half way through it, I turned off the television and went to sleep, with Calypso at the foot of teh bed and Monster on the floor beside it, just my little pack and me. But, frankly, I was glowing from the ego stroke that the evening had given me.


Sam texted me today wanting to know when he could come over and we could talk. I texted back that would have to check my schedule anad get back to him.


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from experience - I think that God sometimes finds a way to slap we couples upside the head if we are not caring for each other as we should so heres to hoping your relationship is on the way up




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Hi Lydia, I am happy you had a nice evening. Just what you needed to restore your self confidence and self esteem. Good for Sam, he should not have dropped the ball. He made his bed now let him lie in it. All the best to you,



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