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Moving forward



Well, a lot going on here.


I spoke with Leo tonight about the oven and the gas burner. He was very apologetic and I knew he would be. Even self-centered people understand the fear of fire, especially to a disabled patient that one is responsible for. I said to him, "how do you think he would get out?" I do not want to think of this anymore. I did not sleep all weekend, just the anxiety and the confrontation to come. It's done. One more incident, he is gone. And as my Ruthpill advised, some things we just need to let go.


I do have some serious thinking to do about dealing with Bruce's safety and I thank all of you for the suggestions. I try to find a positive when things go sour. And again, with all your advice and help from here, I am looking to make some safe changes. In all fairness, it really is up to me to make sure things are in place that can protect him best I can.


Five hours at the Rehab today! 40 minutes of Rehab to start. Bruce finally agreed to walk with me this weekend. My new angle is "I did something special for you, what are you going to do special for you?" And he agreed to walk. I still can not lock the long leg brace-more on that in a bit-but he did excellent with the AFO. Only needed a reminder after nap that he needed to do his part.


Off to Physiatrist appointment and Botox. This session was very difficult as we had to help Bruce get on his stomach. This takes three of us-on an examination table mind you, but he did it. Bruce was always a stomach sleeper pre-stroke. Got his book, got in bed. We do it sometimes here, but it is easier in a Queen-size bed and he loves to stretch out that back. I stayed at his head with him and did the best I could to help him. He is such a trooper when it comes to this stuff.


Doc decides he needs yet ANOTHER leg brace. We have the Rx and I'll call and make another appointment with the Ortho. But personally, I know I just have to insist on a leg brace every single morning, for most of the day. Off and then back on after nap. They are a pain to help him get in and out of the truck or car, but time to remind myself that this is not about me.


Off to Xray. Bruce needed hip Xrays to clear him for the Estim Bicycle. His therapist, Lexi, is excited to get him started on this and hopefully he will be cleared to start on Wednesday. Once he is set up and electrode placement is determined, he will be allowed to do this with just me, as long as the bike is not in use. My plan is to swim for an hour, then some time on the bike on his off PT days.


We got home just about 1pm. Bruce barely ate lunch. Then off to nap. Personally he was asleep before he hit the pillow-lol. Normally he waits up for me to get home from work, even if he is in bed. Tonight I had to really wake him to take his 10pm meds-lol. Plus I know the injections are painful and they will be tomorrow as well. Fortunately only thing on the agenda is eye appointments for both of us. If he is up to it, I will take him for new glasses for me and then dinner with his girl friends!

Cathy will come early and one of the girls will take her home when they get here, allowing me extra time at work.


The truck is still in the shop. That truck will be the death of me=lol! But what I take to heart and what makes me most proud of him was that he was totally continent all day, including nap. He does love our weekends, just the two of us, tending to our stuff here, him planning and prepping dinner. Monday morning is always such a jolt, but in all fairness, it usually is for all of us-back to work, daily life.


So we move on. I still am not "up" on the Email and his friends are starting to call. I can't get into the old Email and apparently the new one is not working. Good week to all, Debbie


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Debbie, enjoy your time together, just working side-by-side on any small project is building memories that will last. It is what being a "partner" as opposed to a caregiver is all about.


You are doing well getting Bruce's cooperation and increasing the exercises. In the end it will make life so much better for you both.


Changing carers is a challenge so maybe compromise?



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You need to post a picture of this leg brace in the gallery. I would like to see it. Fortunately, Wm does not need a leg brace. It sounds like a monster to deal with. Good luck on that one.


I am so glad that Bruce is willing to walk with you.


Wm is not into the walking except in the pool and a little in the house.


The e-stem bike sounds interesting. Please explain further. I don't know what that is.


William is able to do the bike pedals by himself. I don't know how. But, it is marvelous.


I decided to get fire extinguishers in the house. I have one in the bedroom. But, Wm would never be able to use it. Perhaps somebody else could though.


Yes, Mondays are always a jolt here too. I get more of the don't go to work. Please come home after a weekend.


Will Bruce have the energy to bike after the pool? Wm is usually so wiped out after the pool. He has to just rest. I don't know if he would actually do more exercise. Now, running around to stores he will do.


See you tonight.



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I am always so happy to read your blog, you & Bruce are making great post stroke recovery & creating & adapting to your ne normal comfortably. I feel because of great caregivers like you all survivor is able to make best lemonade out of their life.



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Debbie, you got it under control, I know I could not do what you are doing if I was the care giver and working too! I was glad my wife was able to return to the job she loves so much...Banking! I'm happy for her I recovered like I did and can drive from Killeen to New Orleans and back!


You should have seen me leading her mom to diaolocy before she passed, she was 84 and I was 69 but we made it there and back three times a week with no falls! Thank God because we would have to have waited until some people came to our rescue to get us off the ground!


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I'm happy to know Bruce is doing well in his therapy. It does wear them out. I made sure Larry had OT before his PT therapies as the PTs really made him work. It's all worth it. NO pain, no gain they say.


We had a busy morning as we had to go off to the lab for another test. This involved just sitting while they drew blood and infused cortisone. It only took 1 1/2 hrs. total but we were ready for lunch and a nap when it was finished! He goes tomorrow to his surgeon for the carotid X-ray.


Keep up the good work with Bruce and take care. See you in chat.



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