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Brat Fest! Bob Fest! Give me a Fest!



Today is Brat Fest!


No, not Brat like a spoiled child. It's a festival that celebrates the german sausage "bratwurst".


You are laughing already, I know it.


Google "Brat Fest" and "Sentry", and you'll find "Brat Fest" has many fine supporters.

Ryan and his friends among them!


For the last three years Brat Fest was held with in walking distance of my house, but it's grown so big they had to take over our convention center this year.


Ryan and his buddy's have eating contests at Brat Fest twice a year. The 5 of them set a record last year, 113 hot dogs in one day. Hot dogs are only .50, brats are $1.00.


Today the boys will start eating at 10 am in an attempt to break last years record. They will try again Monday - Sunday they've decided to rest. - lol


Of course that's not all the fun we have planned for this three day weekend.


Google "Bob Fest" and Spring Green" and you'll see our plans for Sunday afternoon.


A festival that celebrates the songs of Bob Dylan - lol


You drink beer, that's provided by a tiny brewery called "Lake Louie", they make "flying fish beer", and you watch people sing Bob Dylan songs all day.


They try to schedule each "performer" so you never hear the same song twice.

People come from all over the midwest to participate! "Performers" reserve the song and time slot!


This goes on from noon until 8 at night! Then they have an open mic for people who didn't make it on the schedule! Most of the "performers" shouldn't be allowed to sing in the shower! That's what makes this so funny.


Oh yeah, this is a BIG festival for Spring Green! It's a real 70's flashback for us - and the kids think it's hysterical.


Bad karioke by drunks who have to sing Bob Dylan! What more could you ask for on a holiday weekend!


Give me a Festival - I don't care what it's about! I'm looking forward to Fire Hydrant Days - Susie the Duck Fest - Not to mention, the ever popular Good Neighbor Festival!


bouncesmile.gif Summer's finally here!


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Hey Vicki,

You were right!! You had me on the first sentence!! lol_2.gif


Wow...wish I could be at the festival. It sounds like a blast. I'm smiling ear to ear at the thought of people imitating Bob Dylan and all the fun. I'll bet your kids do find it funny listening to the songs of the 70's. Although musically I'm still stuck there and know hardly any of the songs out now not having any children.


Anyway, have fun Vicki.......and I hope your hubby and buddies don't barf all over the place after eating all those hot dogs. beer.gif


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Cindy, Thank God the Husband (Jerry) isn't stupid enough to "power eat" all those hot dogs! Ryan and his friends are all 14 years old! And I refuse to pick them up after Brat Fest! I learned my lesson two years ago - the hard way! LOL

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Love the creativity of the summer festivals! Have enough fun for the whole bunch of us.



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Hi Vicki:


When I read your blog title, I KNEW what kind of festival you were talking about. You see, being a chef, I knew what brats were, and you are correct - bratwurst. Not many people know what brats are, except for un-discilplined, snobby, non-mannered kids.


If the festival WASN'T so far, from PA, I might just be in attendance. Oh well, we have some local festivals too. Enjoy yourself, and tell your kids that I am 'cheering' them on to 'break the record'.



Chef Denny

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BRAT FEST UPDATE >>>>>>>>>>>>>


It's 5:20 pm and the boys have been eating since 10 am! 127 hotdogs and no one has barfed yet - lol!


I have a feeling they'll run out of money before they stop eating!


I called Ryan's cell to get him home for dinner - (like I expect him to eat - lol) and heard the update!


They'll run out of money - if they hit the 150 hot dog mark -!!!


That's 30 hot dogs per boy!


Oh God - just thinking about it makes ME sick .......

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