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and it's still raining!



I hope you don't mind if I moan about the weather. It is raining again. It has rained most of the week. Today is Saturday and it is wet and cold and most unsummery. Oh wait, we did have two hot, humid and awful days, with thunderstorms and I complained about that too. Roll on autumn, a season where the nights are cool, the days shorter but pleasant...or is global warming going to interfere with that too?


The last couple of all day seizures have made a difference to Ray's alertness. Since the last one Ray has been much less aware and less able to hold any kind of conversation, sometimes even answering a simple question seems beyond him. I know there is no telling if they are causing more brain damage but certainly his ability to do even simple things has gone down. He is on heavier doses of the seizure medication to try and stop the seizures and often sits now with his head down, drooling, with his mouth open.


Ray also seems not to be able to eat more than half a meal by himself. He will take a few dessertspoonfuls and put his spoon down. Up till now he has been a good eater so this is a worrying development. I wonder if it is the new medication or new damage? It also worries me that I am not there every day at lunchtime to make sure he eats at least one good meal a day. What happens when I am not there? How much does he eat?


I had the three grandchildren from close by today as their Dad was on call as the "pick up person" for the funeral home he works for and their Mum had a full day shift starting at 6am. We had fun. The two little boys are 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 now so able to settle longer to do a puzzle or play a game and are more biddable. Alex, the older of the two boys is in his first year at school Oliver at preschool. Tori is a delight and I would have liked to keep her today but she hadn't brought her bag with her so we put it off to another weekend. Now she is older I can't just wash her clothes overnight like I used to, she wants a different outfit for the next day.


I had to do a family history project for my oldest grandson Christopher, we do these projects in upper primary school now. He had to chose someone from his parents generation, someone from his grandparents or great-grandparents gneration. He chose my Dad so I had a trip down memory lane (and shed a few tears ) as I prepared him a few pages of information. I am sure his other grandmother did too as she prepared information on her father. Both were immigrants, my Dad from England, her Dad from Germany. Both families produced children and grandchildren they could be proud of.


I realised a few days go how obsessed I still am with Ray and his health problems. How often I lay awake at night still thinking: "if we do this he will get better", it is not good, it is as if I am still trying to control what is happening to him and worrying will fix it. Will it? of course not. It is so hard to accept that really nothing we do apart from seeing he has the right food, is kept warm/cool and has enough rest is going to make much difference now. How sad is it that statins, which Ray has been on for over twenty years are now being cited as one of the contributing factors to dementia?


I also realised that in focussing so much on Ray I am also neglecting my children and grandchildren, which is why I said "yes" to having the three little ones today and foregoing my visit to Ray. I need to give them some time, some attention, before they grow older and do not need Granma's attention anymore. I know that will come soon enough. Tori only has one year of primary school to go and High School kids really do not want to be seem with Granmas and Granpas. We are definitely not cool with that generation.


I took them with me to the Church Fair and although the weather was wet and few people there, those who were there were cheerful and happy to see us. Little old ladies remarked on what pretty hair Tori has or how "lively" the boys are. I always buy them a whole heap of interesting stuff, I guess it is appreciated by the kids, not so much by their parents...lol. I can afford to buy trinkets for Tori, second hand trucks and toys for the boys. There were three pot plants that didn't get to go home, neither parent is a gardener so I have to take them and plant them myself on my next visit to them.


I have so appreciated the positive attitude of so many of the church folk as we have gone through the drama which seems to be life for us now. A couple on one of the stalls today I often see as they regularly visit an old neighbour of theirs at the nursing home. They always come looking for Ray and me and say g'day. It is sometimes better sometimes to be happy with these considerate well-wishers than to yearn after the friends who have disappeared from our lives of late.


And so life goes on, visiting Ray, catching up on housework, and I would have done yardwork except for the rain, rain and more rain this week. I want a refund on the summer that never was, I've missed out on the swimming, the walks along the beach, the picnics and BBQs, the many sunny days of enjoying the great outdoors. I know there may be a lovely autumn (fall) ahead so maybe I will be able to spent time in the garden then.


Global warming seems to have become global raining...grrr! So much rain that we have so many areas flooded, 75% of New South Wales is flood affected as of this morning. Luckily we are one of the district to have more moderate falls. Life certainly could be worse.


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I know what you mean Sue, I never thought that I would get sick of the rain after years of drought but I would love to see sunshine & be able to mow the lawn !

Ray is is in good care at the Nursing Home by the sound of it & you are doing all you can for him so it is good that you are doing some stuff for you now, he is being well looked after & you are doing all that you can !

Take care, Anne x

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Sue, I am sorry Ray is not doing better. I know how you must worry as you have always been his most wonderful caregiver all these years. He is in good hands at the nursing home. One saying I remember someone telling me is "Let go, and let God". Easy to say but you do all you can. It's good to get your mind off your worries with your grandchildren. Enjoy things that make you happy.


As for as the weather goes, yes, it can be worse. We have had over 20 tornadoes in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana just in the last couple of weeks. Lives lost and homes leveled. We are not even at the peak of tornado season which is May!


The rain does make you feel dreary but there is a silver lining somewhere. Take care and I pray things improve.



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Sue, Rain can be wonderful in moderation but when the sky is constantly grey it puts a damper on your mood as does the cold damp. It is wonderful to have that time with your family to brighten the day. Sorry to hear of Ray's continuing seizures. As to his eating - the nursing home her is suppose to weigh the patients regularly. Keep and eye on Ray's weight and you will know if he is not getting enough to eat. When you are not there they need to be assisting him. I have learned that Dick's care is often improved when I am not available for the staff to hand off some of his care. Since I have taken February and March for myself, I have chosen not to be with Dick every day. It actually has resulted in Dick being more appriciative of my visits and help! I have to be really strict with myself though because I often begin down the slippery slope of feeling guilty for not being there all the time. Go easy on yourself.


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sue you must of gotten the rain that should have been our snow this winter.we had tons of rain in the spring and summer and then a great winter. hopefully your autumn will bring much sunshine in the skys and your heart. i'll pray with the rest of the stroke network for ray and you in hopes they can regulate his meds .i'm sure the nursing home is keeping track of what ray eats.

enjoy all of your new found friends and take advantage of any good times- outings, grandkids, sunshine and flowers. all the best blessings lynn

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Sue: Global warming? you may have a clue there. Look to my NE winters over two years, Julie suffering so many tornadoes and not at their peak season. Something is in the wind, for sure! Bruce's friend is a Climatologist. Very brilliant and once I get my Email back up and working, I will ask him-lol.


As to Ray. I can only imagine the pain you are in. Your vital, loving, strong man. I do not think I would have your strength or faith. One thought, along Ruth's lines. Have him put on the assist feed list. Not the same as you being there, but if they can get a couple more mouthfuls in him and some liquids, better than having him just quit because he is too tired or confused to continue. And I truely believe it is probably just being too tired. My Mom was like that at the end. It is not so much the food intake. As we age, we need less caloric intake, but he must drink. Move those meds through his body and get rid of the toxins. Talk to his aides, one or two of his favorites and ask them to please push fluids-whatever he will drink.


I love the fact that you took time with the grandchildren. You were exhausted, I am sure. But to see such energy and life. A true uplifting, Gotta love Tori. Grandma will have a few outfits stored next visit, I am sure-lol!


Rainy, dark days-during your summer season. As mild as my winter had been, I do so look forward to our spring. Yes, rain and at this point we need freezing to hold down the mold and insect growth. But, I am looking forward to some warmth and sun, just like you. So for you warm, dry autumn days and for me warm, dry spring.


Good week. Please go easy and take care. Your balance of family, Sue, Ray and Mum seems to be working out and becoming comfortable. Best, Debbie

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You are so lucky to have grandchildren. Yes, take time to enjoy them. You know only too well how fast they grow up.


If I were you....Ray would constantly be on my mind. Yes, what can be done....


But, you have to let go a little...I just don't know how to do that myself.



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Well, we can use all the rain we can get after our drought for almost one year. The farmers had to hustle up hay for the animals then still had to sell them ahead of time, they had no water for them to drink. I said then I'll never complain about the rain I'll just go buy a boat. Really the drought hit us the hardest here in central Texas and everything is STILL brown or dead! Spring is next month and there is no grass to cut!


Before that we had record number of days (85) with 100 degree heat or better!! I wish you could funnel it to us!


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