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finding a reason to go on



It has been ten days without a seizure for Ray but he just had two days in bed because of a bladder infection caused by the catheter. It seems as if he goes from one type of illness to another. I guess his immune system is compromised. Wish there was a simple treatment that would fix all this.


I now spend three hours and sometimes more a week with Mum. Sometimes the visits are short, sometimes longer. I just sit with her, engage her as much as I can. To me she is who she always has been and as I watch the expressions on her face I see her as she was at various stages in her life. I have my memories and cruel as Alzheimer's is they can never be taken away.


She is either in her bed or in her water chair when I get there and either place I can simply be with her. She is beyond responding now but often I catch her looking at me and although she is almost blind I wonder if she can see and hear me.I know if I were in her position I would want to have love expressed and so I often say: "You are beautiful Mum and always will be" and "I love you Mum." It is the very least I can do now.


I feel as if we are getting close to the end for her now so want to spend more time with her. I now go three times a week, every Thursday and Friday mornings and either Monday or Tuesday morning. I try to do this without losing any time with Ray. So far it is working out okay. I guess I have accepted her being in care in a way I am struggling to come to terms with with Ray. Maybe that is because she is so old, 93 is a good age. But also because as she has been in care for so long I have long since lost that feeling of being responsible for her that I still feel with Ray.


A friend from church came to the nursing home this week. She is Ray's pew mate from last year. Sadly she has had a fall and damaged a knee which because of her other illnesses can't be operated on so she has lost her mobility. She formerly lived with her only daughter who finds it all too much now. Thus lovely lady has been close to suicide so I hope she will be accept the decision and not get too depressed. Once she is up and in a wheelchair I can take her wherever Ray and I are so she has company.


I just love the guys Ray shares his room with. They are good to him and to me. The man in the next bed gets a Sydney daily paper and shares that with us. It has given me something to read on the rainy days and days like the last two when Ray has been confined to his bed. They also have a sense of humour so we always seem to end up laughing at something one of them has said. I have found the biography of one of Ray's favourite TV presenters in the library and have started reading that to him, one of the cleaners came in to do his room today and said: "Go on reading, I love to hear you read." I think it is things like that that give me a reason to go on.


I am praying that the weather improves and we have that lovely Indian summer we can sometimes have in late March and April. I want to be able to get outside and do some gardening. I want those walks I promised myself some time ago. I feel as if I have gained weight and lost muscle tone. Too much sitting by Ray's bed does nothing for my energy levels. I really need to go for a walk and come back later to check on him some days. There is some reasonably flat walking from where he is down to the Lake so i should be able to get walks in in cooler, dryer weather. It is motivation I lack.


I have been reading a book about forgiveness and how harboring unforgiveness can raise barriers in your life. I know i carry a lot of resentment about the strokes and what they have done to our lives. I somehow have to overcome that bad attitude and concentrate on our lives as they are and make the most of the time we have. I still love Ray, he is my husband and I want the best for him. If that means making the most of where he is now so be it.


So pray for me and help me keep true to what I am trying to do. I know Asha will do that, she is my example for living in the moment and making life's lemons into lemonade.


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Sue :


I have learnt that valuable lesson from my husband whom I constantly used to ask him doesn't he regret marrying me. he was always like God does not do mistakes, you are the best the way you are. he is great enabler. He is always like this is what has happened to us & we have to make best out of this situation, & I am so glad I listened to him. because of this simple acceptance my post stroke life is so much joyful & relaxing. I am actually thankful to my stroke it helped me made the person I am proud of. I am glad you are reading good books which is helping you forgive & move on.




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Sue, Thoughts are with you in this trying time for you. You are such a delightful, strong, and good person.

Ray is one lucky guy to have you

Best to you, your Mum and Ray



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Sue: as much as you are trying to find forgiveness and peace, but want you to understand the significance of your postings and the sharing of your journey.


I have such trouble with acceptance and find so much strength and hope in reading your emotional journey through all of this. I pray daily for the grace to deal with this that you so share with all of us.


I don't know what lies at the end of our journey, but I only pray I can get there with the strength and love that you have.


Take care honey. Always in my prayers, Debbie

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Sue I pray for Ray your mum and YOU daily, I know how it was when my mom passed at the nursing home. My sister worked there and now she is just about ready for a home now at 81 herself! I look back at those years and it seems not so long ago. This year in July I make 71 so time waits for no one.

Like Debbie said, none of us know what lies ahead in our life's journey so we pray for God's mercy and love!


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sue, you, your mum, and ray have so many prayers coming your way as we follow your journey online. we wish we were there giving you the biggest hugs ever .you are an inspiration to us all even though you never asked for this job. please find time to smell the flowers you'll be planting. you need strength from within and time to replenish your sanity. hopefully the weather changes and you can take some walks with ray. i know that sunshine makes a big difference on my day's outlook. just rambling but thinking and praying for and about you daily. blessings lynn

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You have been such an inspiration to me. I know that your journey has been difficult. And I cannot imagine how mine might end.


I shall pray that you keep accepting and moving on.



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Sue, One day at a time. Just pray and ask for the strength to get thru the day at hand. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. During my first days after my stroke that was the only thing (and Lesley) that got me thru and away from the thoughts I was having. Life has seasons, no season lasts forever, this too shall eventually pass. One day at a time.

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