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Full Moon and a weekend for just us



Right where I sit to work on the computer is a lovely hearth window that tonight has a beautiful full moon. I sat down about an hour ago, poured a glass of wine, my Kira is curled up and will be happy until about 10:30 pm when she will remind me that it is time for bed-lol.


I am so happy it is Friday night and Bruce and I have two days just to ourselves. I am tired of accomodating, adjusting and rescheduling.


Kira's vet called today. Her thyroid is still acting up, so Doc will be consulting with an Endocrinologist! That cat is becoming way too high maintenance! Only kidding, you all know how precious she is to us and it truly comes down to tweaking her meds, but both Bruce and I were hysterical talking to the Doc-I put her on speaker so Bruce could hear.


We finally picked up the car tonight. Both vehicles again home and serviced. This required Bruce coming with us, picking up Leo at work, getting to the garage. They left, I went to work and then I had to pick Leo up here at home and drive him to the bus stop. Didn't take more time, but again there is the planning and WC in and out etc. You all know the drill. Jen and I used to do this all the time and Bruce stayed at home, alone because I could trust that Jen would drive-usually much faster than she should have-lol=back to the house. She was more fearful of Bruce alone than I was. As you all know with Leo, he pushes the envelope. I could not trust that he wouldn't do errands on his way back to Bruce and with the faux pas's these past two weeks, just could not risk it.


Truck still has to go through Emissions, but can't do that until we drive it a good 50 miles after the recent Catalytic Converter changeover! Good news is Bruce can go to that with me, out of the truck into the WC, so we will plan around the weather.


I have a dear Nurse friend at work with a 4 and 5 year old. She works full time and offered to come get me today, her only day off, to get the car. Bless her. But we were talking and she said sometimes you want to just go and do something without all the "hooplah". She nailed it and coming from a completely different place than I do!


Bruce has to have a new hand brace. That appointment is scheduled around his PT on Wednesday. His new leg-overnight brace-fitting is on Monday but in a different place and time than his PT. My glasses are in and plan to get them tomorrow. Maybe do breakfast out, just to treat both of us.


Our neighbor Mae is having a very tough time. She is 92 and has an anxiety problem so 911 has been there several times this week. We are doing Ruthpill's suggestion of a pot roast tomorrow and will have to get some over to Mae and Cliff.


In the meantime, my darling. Bruce has been so compliant with his AFO these past few weeks. It is totally my fault that his foot turned. Both of us know that he is not going to tolerate the 6 to 8 hours of a plastic leg brace overnight. He has developed "Palmer" feet. Palmer's do not tolerate their feet being covered while sleeping. We all seven inherited Daddy's feet-smelly, wet. Even the Grandkids. Since Bruce could not keep covers on his feet, learned to just accept that there were no bed linens from the knees down. Now, 26 years later, he is in sox and a brace that does not breathe. So we are being faithful to the AFO.


He is upset about the EStim bike, but a new week and we start again. Weather is so agreeable for here in NE in early March. Had the windows open this week and can't wait for a full week of 60 degrees.


So another week is building into an impossible mission. Part of me knows that most of this is on me-being Type A, trying to figure out a comfortable routine in getting Bruce out every day, working around his therapy and getting the errands done. He won't walk here at home with me-he will with Leo, so try to work around that schedule.


I am anxious to get into the yardwork. With the tree removal last fall-winter, yard will be totally different and new this year. I am looking forward to it. Mary Beth will be coming maybe next weekend. Been too long for both of us. So good weekend to all. I will be sleeping in at least one day! Best, Debbie


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Hope you got that sleep-in Debbie, it is well deserved. I don't know where you get your energy, all you fit into one week would take most of us three weeks to do. Just keep an eye out for your old enemy "burnout" though.


What a high maintenance cat Kira is - her own personal endocrinologist! As you say she has often saved your sanity so I guess she is worth it. See if you can get the next one with a money back guarantee or good insurance...lol.



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We had a quite weekend. it has rained every day. That means we stay in.


I hope that the new hand brace works out.


The AFO must be difficult.


Take care...this spring forward time may let you sleep in

Glad to hear that the truck is fixed.



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