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April Is Coming!



Well, this month is March and April follows but we just had much rain here in central Texas which has created some problems for most home owners!

First... The Ant has come above ground in big mounds trying to find a drier location for their Queen! Beside my driveway on both sides are mounds of fire ant and along the sidewalk the length of my property front! Then the back yard has several mounds as well which will have to be treated with gasoline. There is no product at Home Depot they say that works as good as gas! The bad part is this property and sub division was one cattle grazing land about 20-30 years ago!


Second...The snakes are also looking for higher ground since their burrows are filled with water. Normally they don't come out until April (next month) but this heavy rain will start the process sooner! We have a shed in the back yard and now I'm afraid to enter it because we keep the door ajar but with a lock in the hook! We are not close to any drainage ditch as some homes are so that's a plus in our case! There are lizards around the front door and they do get into the garage! I got the stuff from Home Depot to fight that problem along with the spiders. For the next few days or long as it takes I will be armed with the right stuff to make a kill while riding on my scooter with the big wheels and my rubber boots on my feet!


Our property is in the middle of the block which is a bit higher than either side of us so I have no water running onto my property in either direction and the back yard goes down hill about a foot or so and that to is a good thing!


Any of you real gardeners and flower bed keepers make sure you look before you commit to digging in your areas around the home. The snakes will also climb the trees in your yards so be careful please! Now we got much warmer weather early so anything goes!


Now on to April and looking forward to hiding Easter eggs for the kiddos and much warmer again. Then you know April brings the start of Baseball, the teams are ready to go and it's already on TV! This year the tickets are slightly higher than last season! We all know our own Lenny Harrison (my buddy) will see a few of the Red Sox games if at all possible, that's his team!


Happy Easter to all, don't forget to file your taxes and postmarked by April 17th unless you e-file sooner! I must pay money back this year so I'll write my check real soon after payday!



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Fred, I do remember those fire ant mounds when I lived north of Plano. Until two years before we moved into that place the land had been cotton fields so nothing would grow except Bermuda grass (sorta) and Mequite trees. The ants would come into the house and once invaded my baby's crib! We were high enough (or God understood my unreasonable fears) so we never had snakes but we had turantullas and scorpions. The last time I was in Brownsville we did swerve to avoid a 10 ft. diamond back which was sunning himself on the road. Everything seemed hostile in Texas! We would load up with all sorts of weapons to defend ourselves when we went to Home Depot. The chemical that we used around the house is no longer sold and then we always had to have tire patches for the damage from the huge thorns. Still, I would not mind moving back!


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Guest hostwill





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Thanks Will, I'll see if I can find that brand here in Texas, if not I was thinking of Lime like we used in the old outhouses years ago! You may not have had that experience as I did for all my growing up years in Houston! Ruth, you are so right when they build homes in the areas that were fields are pastures for cattle long time ago. I wish I had land like that here in Texas it would be like a gold mind!


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being the animal lover i am, i know we need to protect ourselves from harm against critters, but i ask please, when using pesticides, please be careful as they can and do kill other wildlife like birds that eat the insects. pesticides get into the soil and can kill for years to come. children like to play in the dirt too. i lived in az for over 30years, there was not very many critters i didn't dealt with over the years. if i left them alone, the left me alone and went on their way. snakes can be dealt with by the fire dept. we had pets, so i was very cautious of what lerked in my back yard. i had bark scorpions everywhere because of the pine trees. black widows in my garage. a fried of mine found a gila monster in his garage once. i found desert tortoises all over the yard, garter snakes everywhere. rattlesnakes were never a problem where i lived, coyotes ran the streets at night in alot of areas., jumping over 6ft fences looking for pets. we had horse farms not far from us, they attract snakes for the mice and rats that ate the horse feed. ok i've said enough. please just be careful with pesticides

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