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lunch with my sons (update)



I enjoyed myself immensely. It was like old times. Dan, my youngest brought his g/f since she was off work that day. We talked about when they were younger, They talked about their dad a bit. (stuff happening in his life that I didnt know about) I knew I would be at ease with Dan since we have been meeting for lunch for a few years now. I thought it might be a bit uncomfortable with Marc but it was not. Maybe because Dan and Chrys were there, it diffused any uncomfortable conversation we might otherwise have had. All in all it went beautifully and I cant wait to do it again.


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thanks for update even though you updated late, I am glad you all had great time together. your Dan is smarty pants bringing his girlfriend was great first start, hopefully slowly you guys will have more lunches under your belt with Marc & will be back to old times again.



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mc, that is great news, i know how long you have been waiting for this to happen. sounds like it was a wonderful time for you. i hope you and the boys will do this often. i think its good therapy for all of you.

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