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Wow. Just keep me on my toes!



The low key observance of Bruce's three year anniversary went terrific. Our niece was involved in an early Spring softball tournament in our family home town. This is kind of neat, in that they live in New Hampshire. Mary Beth set the wheels in motion when the tournment was posted, so all family was involved.


My two brothers, one ex-wife, one girl friend, Mary Beth, a friend of Melissa's, Brittany and John Michael and of course, our Izabella-who now, at two, is the center of attention. I have a lot of concern when Brittany has to explain the family dynamics to Izabella in the years to come. But we all did it with Britt and as Mary says "it is what it is."


We had dinner at brother John's after the tournament. His back yard is perfect for the WC and his garage is open and private for personal attention. Bruce had two beers-always a concern, but I was so proud of him. No accidents, standing without a cane (I forgot it). I was so proud of him, just for the long day. Of course, all the fresh air was wonderful for him and even with a slight cloud cover, he tanned; looking like he had just come back from vacation. Those Native American genes!


Group left Sunday, mid-morning and my hip (which I originally thought was my back) is still acting up. It was a decision, so half today, half tomorrow or hope I could get through everything on Monday. Bruce agreed that Monday would work.


Monday: therapy, bank, grocery shop, gas. Leo at 4pm and I was frustrated with that when I got home, so a bad night sleeping for me. I am shuffling a lot of decisions for us right now. Without strong support here at home, those decisions are even more difficult. Leo has an "entitlement" issue and while I know I would be under less stress letting him go at this point, Bruce does his best work physically with Leo, so guess I am just going to have to suck it up for a bit longer. Plus the fact that I am still in pain with the hip does not help.


Today was supposedly a down day. I need to do paperwork, Internet stuff and the weekly cooking that I did not do Sunday. If I am sitting, I am comfortable and can ice the hip. Bruce's college roommate and best friend called and asked if he could come. He is a very special person and always checks my running list of projects. So regroup: Debbie gets time for Debbie. Had a wonderful shower and time off duty. Roommate is also a stock pro and reviewed my portfolio, which has not been done for a while.


Bruce's Godson called and said he was coming to do the front gutters and line a leaky spot on one gutter for me. This area requires the big ladder, which I can do with Mary, but with my hip being out of sorts, hesitated to do that this weekend. Said he will be back during the week to do the rest. Today was his Mom's birthday=another person very close to Bruce. Bruce's birthday is April 6th, so I had called her, wished her Happy Birthday and asked if we could maybe do an early dinner to celebrate both birthdays. The lawn mower man did the Spring clean up yesterday. Yard looks beautiful, but with all the trees pruned and taken out, will be very different this year, so Landscaper is due next week.


Mechanic called. Truck needs yet another Catalytic converter. Will deal with that later in the week.


As Roommate was leaving, Cathy called and said she would be late. Dinner was done and I set up house for tomorrow-our early PT morning. Bruce and I did laundry and dishes, and in walks Cathy with plan B, and off I go to work. Bruce's friend from work called and asked if he could stop for a visit around dinner time.


I got home about 6:30pm. On Cathy days, Bruce waits up for me. Bruce's eyes are bugging out of his head. Cognitively he is right on, has had no nap and his AFO has been on since his shower at 8am.


I do not do well with change. But I have to admit I was quite proud of myself today. Also how lucky am I that my work understands all this, is accepting of any hours I put in. The team I work with only asks that if things change, I just let them know. Not for work stuff, just to make sure all is well here.


I think of putting my Bruce through all of this. Yes he made his PT appointment, did all the errands and chores here at home. Best cognitive therapy for him is conversation, and yes he had plenty of that. But I am thinking of a Debbie down-day and Bruce is going to need one soon-lol. These gentlemen are responding to his anniversary date and birthday as best they can. And I love all of them for that. No Hooplah, just time together and Debbie, go have your own time. But he missed an Estim and naps and is so tied to routine.


Will get through tomorrow early morning PT and me learning the Estim bike, but after that think it may be lunch and long naps. While I do love the time together, spread out would have been better, but got a lot crossed off the list. And personally I think Bruce is up to this. Will certainly know tomorrow. Good week all, Debbie


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The out-of-routine stuff sometimes causes problems but because if was all for Bruce he seemed to get through it well this time. Good on both of you for the effort you both put in to make it all a success.


Yes I agree, if someone offers to come, let them. You can always work the schedule around them.


Enjoy your Debbie time.



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Debbie, so nice to have a fun filled family get together. Bruce seems to be doing well going out. Now, you can take him to your sister's home maybe.


Hope you get a chance to relax from all your caregiving. Have a good weekend.



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