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prayers for friend needed



please keep my niece's ex mother in law, a wonderful woman in your prayers.. she had a freak accident-. getting her mail at the end of her driveway she was hit by a car causing massive brain trauma. family having meeting to see if they will take her off does not look good. doctors haven't fixed any of the multiple broken bones as they wait to see if she'll wake up. so please prayers for family and the neighbor who hit her who is devasted. why is it we don't get at least 1 redo button?


husband doing well after surgery but upset that he felt better before it. i keep telling him to be thankful they caught the blockage in time and that it was major surgery.


.son's separation weighs heavily on my heart. he's being played; but remains hopeful for being a family again.i'm not as optimistic.

blessings lynn.


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Lynn: so sorry to hear that Hubby has not felt better since the surgery. Part of me thinks that the body had adjusted to the slowed blood flow and oxygen, made its adjustments and now things have changed and body has to readjust. It is like people with long term lung disease. If you start and give them full strength oxygen, the body will shut down. It wil take some time and I hope he notices improvement.


My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Horrible accident and I only pray that she finds comfort and peace soonest. It will be a long recovery surely, but if that is the way it goes, just support and love her. Please do let us know. Debbie

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lynn :


I am so sorry to hear all the news specially accident. I will keep all of you in my prayers for good outcome. accidents are so sudden and hard to accept. I just pray you all get strength to get through this trying times for all involved parties.



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Lynn, so sad for your neighbour and her family, I hope she comes through it all. I know life can hand us such trials sometimes.


Your son and his separation will be ongoing for some time, so courage, love and prayers are needed to pass through this grieving process.


I understand your husband's frustration that the operation didn't make him instantly better. It takes a while for the body to adjust and of course also to get over the effects of the operation itself. I guess all he needs is your TLC in the meantime.



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