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It is what it is, but...



...not (really) knowing what's going on in my body has brought a fear back that I though was long gone. It's difficult to describe the feeling that comes over me; suffice it to say it's brought me to the local E.R. twice now in a week and a half. The first time I did have some elevated blood work which suggested some type of viral vasculitis. Negative CT - whew!! Home, rest, fluids and a prescription for meclezine. (For motion sickness and nausea0\

Round two, "normal" bloodwork, f/u with my PMD, Okay....But WHAT'S HAPPENING? When I had my stroke I didn't have a headache, I did feel lightheaded and dizzy; it was terrible! I never want to experience anything like that again! Am I being an alarmist? I guess I need some anti-anxiety meds. This suc*s!


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Susan, No, you're not being an alarmist. For a year and a half I went through the same thing...Knowing something was wrong and being brushed off or just being told, "ah, it could be anything". I just about came unglued until I had a heat attack which made them look deeper and got me diagnosed with MS, Lupus, and coronary artery disease.


I hope its really nothing serious but I really wouldn't be quiet until someone listens.


You will be in my prayers



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What Jamie said- ditto.


I only regret the symptoms and anomalies I 'didn't want to bother anyone with' prior to stroke, not the preventive and cautionary concerns I've voiced and checked since stroke. We are our only real advocates in our health care. I hope it's sorted out soon for you.


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Susan being the eldest daughter of an OCD mom - I have had to train myself that NO AMOUNT of worrying will change anything - EXCEPT BP & anxiety. it could be so many insignificant things inner ear infec plugged sinuses- both can mess with head pressure when your mind won't quit - tell it "Stop! - no amt of worry will cfhange anything."



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I had the same thing earier this year. i had a change in my health ( Sinus infection) that led to headaches when I was just running out to the car to warm t up during the winter months. I ended up getting an MRI . Everything came back no change. They gave me muscle relaxers for my anxiety. I am already stretched out on the anxiety meds and really can't go too much higher. I am doing accupuncture which really seems to help. I need to go to a counsler but I have'nt found one yet. I ultimately want to get off the xanax. Find a way to control my anxiety without the meds.



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susan, i agree with jami, talk till someone listens. if you really think something is wrong, survivors seem to get blown off so easy with our drs. when we tell them something is not right. we know our bodies better than anyone. panic/anxiety attacks are the worst, or for me they are. tak to your dr about them. you do need to try not to worry, that only makes things worse. being an alarmist is being proactive in your health. take care and keep us updated.

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