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Look what I did for chocolate!



I am 40 now and have discovered the merits of eating chocolate. I may be a late bloomer just finding this out, but I can claim brain damage, and the fact that I am now in menopause and have put the "P" in PMS. But it is simply amazing what I will now do for a Milky Way bar.


The spouse buys Milky Ways in bulk now, because both kids and I love them. I don't need them, but a treat is nice every once in awhile. They reside on top of the fridge. Now when one has stroked and has a balence issue, climbing on anything is out of the question, at least it has for me for the last three years. That being said, I got my daughters little step stool today, put it in front of the fridge, and stood there deciding if I could do this or not. But those damn milky ways have been chattering to me for days! I thought,"I'll just go really really slow." So I came to terms with trying to get myself a milky way. Of course the thought of biting into the carmel nugget covered in blissful chocolate was a huge motivator.


I took a deep breath and lifted my right leg and placed it on the step stool. I grabbed the top of the fridge and stepped on the stool. I got lightheaded and saw stars and blinking lights, my heart was pumping like I had just had a grueling cardio workout. I caught my breath, steadied myself and put my left foot on the stool with my right. I stayed perfectly still, I was afraid to move. I slowly lifted my right hand from the death grip of the fridge and slowly reached up. hoping my aim was good for the box of milky ways. Now I am short, not quite 5'2 and I'm sure I resembled that little guy who looks over fences and all you see is a big nose and eyes. I can't think of his name.I never took my eyes off of my target and I started talking to myself. Outloud. You can do this, steady........ Almost there.....I felt my fingers grab the candy bar out of the box, I almost forgot to move slow as I was teetering on the stool as it was. I grabbed the top of the fridge, with a few fingers and leaned my forehead on the fridge and closed my eyes. I was dizzy, I slowly very stiffly stepped off the stool. I was standing upright on the floor holding a Milky Way in my right hand. I was also grinning from ear to ear because of two things. I had overcome an obstacle that the stroke had given me and I had sucessfully gotten a candy bar myself. I was secretly delighted that I had stepped on something to reach something high. Now if I only had a shot of Backslides today, what a day it would have been. I now understand the lengths I will go to for chocolate. Yummmmm, it was worth it, Hammering heart and all.


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Watch out, Pam! Pretty soon you and Cooper will have a lot in common. i.e. you'll start looking at the refrigerator as if it's a candy dispensing machine.



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