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Trying to be happy



Well I seen the neurologist last week. Instead of getting medicine for pseudobulbar affect, I asked him for an anti-depressant. He gave me zoloft but said it would take about 4 weeks to start making a difference. I feel good for the most part. I have a boyfriend for the first time in almost 2 years and he gives me lots of love and attention so that definitely helps with the depression. I just wish I could get my dad off my back. Ever since he retired and his girlfriend dumped him, he always has an attitude about me hanging out with my boyfriend. He thinks Im "running the roads" and "up to no good". He even rides by my boyfriend's house to see if my car is there. It is very annoying. I was not allowed to date until I turned 18 and graduated. I finally have a car and he is in my case about hanging out with one guy Im not even having sex with. It puts me in a bad mood every time I come home and makes me wish I could move away already. I worked hard to get my license, bought my own car in my name, and pay insurance in my name so to constantly be hounded about where Im going and who Im with is VERY annoying. I am trying to move out as soon as I start working in May. I already have money saved up. I think I will be happier being out, independent, and on my own but my dad says I can't move because I can't live by myself. I hate being here. being in this room and treated like a kid makes it very hard for me to be happy which is why I love hanging out with my boyfriend and his family but it does no good when I have to constantly come home to my dad who treats me like Im still 15. I can't wait to move!


I also visit my mom a lot. This week I visited my mom, brother and his kids, grandmother, and aunt. Tomorrow I have to babysit my other brother's kids. Im so glad I have a car. I love the independence. I hope my license never gets taken away.


I have the anti-depressant to help my mood, my boyfriend keeps me from being lonely and thinking about sad things, and I signed up for a Faith & Healing class at church so I really am trying to be happy


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Just put God first in your life, pray for your dad's understanding of where you are in your life now! I can't say, I don't know but if he was a better dad he may would still be with your mom, just my thought? And with that he would treat you better and like you are grown which you are! Trying to get your own roof right now may not be the thing to do but farther up the road that should be considered!


My wife's daughter is here with us and her daughter 7 years old and she goes and come when she wants to Her daddy still pays her car note but she works at the same school her little daughter attends She comes and goes as she wishes but I never see her male friend lately and I'm home most of the time!


I'm very glad you have a friend so live your life as a grown woman now! Oh, you can't please everybody all the time so don't try it doesn't work!

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looking for independence... good for you...dad just loves you and is worried... try not to cut him out to much....make sure the palce you rent is very secure--- secure garage and all that.... outside of that you are a big girl and its ok to seek some independence, but if you find it to overwhelming make sure you havent burned bridges with dad... and don't sign a long term lease... just incase this trial run dont work out... nancyl

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Katrina, for some keeping on the road to happiness is a constant struggle and I think that is the normal" for them. You keep active, keep busy and you will be fine. Don't compare yourself with thers so much as strive to be the best you can.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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nancyl offers some great advice about checking things out first and leaving yourself a way out if things get too overwhelming. you have accomplished so much.!!!!!dad can't help it. to him you'll always be his little girl.wishing you continued blessings. lynn

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