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Brain Surgery



Dear StrokeNet family, Tootie was hospitalized twice last month for seizures. Since the seizures are getting worse we, along with her team of doctors, have decided she needs brain surgery. Tootie’s surgery is scheduled this week.


The neurosurgeon is going to open her skull and sew grids of leads to her brain. He also told us since she has an abnormality at the base of her frontal lobe, they are going to drill a hole in the back of her skull and explore there as well.


Tootie will be monitored for a week, unless the neurosurgeon has enough data to determine where the seizures are originating.


The following week the neurosurgeon will actually remove the damaged areas. Since Tootie had 3 strokes, one of which was massive, a chunk of her brain will be removed.


I ask that you please keep Tootie in your prayers as she begins this phase of her journey; thank you.


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yolie, iyou know i have tootie and her family in my thoughts and prayers. she is such a sweet little angel, i know god will have the bigger angels watching over her. she is undergoing very serious surgery. she has been through so much already and i pray this surgery fixes her seizure problem. i can only imagine how worried the family must be. i will be praying for god to guide her medical team to have a very successful surgery. please keep us updated as you can. all my love and prayers.



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I know nothing sounds worse than brain surgery and the prospect of someone picking around in the brain. Please know though that from those of us who have gone through it, of which I am one.

Based on experience I assure you neurosurgeons are the best the medical field has to offer because performance at that level only allows for the absolute best of the best.

Taylor will be in very highly skilled hands and moving on with childhood in no time.


Of course most importantly Taylor will be in my prayers.




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I'm on the knee praying to God He gives her relief from her suffering with seizures and be the person she no doubt want to be at this time! I know God answers prayers so I will continue having her in my prayers waiting for His answer on His time!

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Prayers coming from here for Tootie also, and you and her family too. The sound of brain surgery is scary but at her age the damage can be fixed and she hopefully has a good life ahead of her.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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You know all of you and Tootie are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and please do let us know. Thinking of you all, Debbie

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Kimmie, I too believe the angels will be watching over Tootie and also hope the surgery will control her seizures; thank you for your love and prayers.


Maria, it always brings some comfort knowing someone who has gone through a successful surgery; thank you as well for your prayers.


Fred, I also hope my Tootie gets some relief from her seizures; thank you for praying for her.


Asha, thanks so much for praying for a successful surgery and good recovery for my Tootie.


Ruth, it is very scary but I believe in my heart this is what Tootie wants and needs to improve her quality of life; thanks for praying for us.


Sue, I must keep my faith and continue to believe Tootie will get through this and continue to grow into a beautiful young lady.


Debbie, thank you for your prayers as well. I do not have internet on my phone but hope to make it to the hospital library so I can keep yall posted.


Again, thanks to all of you for your thoughtfulness, support and prayers; it means more than you know.

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Dear StrokeNet Family; this is the message Crystal shared on facebook:


This is Crystal (4.25.12)...

Let me give you a quick rundown of the day...

First part (today) statred at 815, took her her to the OR at about 10.

She had 5 different things while under anesthesia done.

1st she had to have an MRI to place a frame to help the surgeon for his grid placement.

2nd....Crainoctomy *sp....simple version, opening her skull =(

grid placement. The doctor sewed a grid of approxim...ately 128 leads on to Taylors right side of her brain. These grids will monitor her brain over the next 7 days, possibly sooner if she has enough seizures. What they are trying to capture is EXACTLY where the seizures are starting from. This will basically make a map for the surgeon so he will know what he is going to do for part 2! (Ill get to that late, Im tired)

4th...She had a PICC line place, this is basically something like an IV that can stay in long term, goes straight to her heart. Has risks, but benefits as well...which include not having to get poked a thousand an one times to give blood. Taylor has tiny veins, and it takes the nurses atleast 4 sticks to find a good vein. She will use that for meds, for blood draws, etc.

5th....2nd MRI, the surgeon needed to check his grids once they were on her brain.

This was all over about 7 tonight. She is a little uncomfortable. She is on a few pain meds, as well as her seizure meds, something for nausea. She had an xray of her skull also.


If you have a weak stomach....skip this paragraph

Right now she has a thick, white turban wrapped around her head, no I havent seen the surgery site, incision, or her bald head =(......and its probably best at this point not to. She had wires that are coming out of her head, the ones attached to her brain. She has a tube that is draining the blood from her brain into a small bottle. She is hooked up to several machines, including a video EEG.


I know I am writing this as if I am totally comforable with all this, I am not. I am heartbroken, I am scared, I am tired, and I am weak.....but

I feel that each and every person that has thought of Taylor, prayed for her today...deserves to know whats going on. I know some of you are worried as well.


She is sleeping right now, she did wake up to take her medicine with a bite of applesauce, and she did have a couple of sips of her drink.


Thank you again for everything! We love each and everyone of you!


and just a little extra....the ENTIRE surgery waiting room was full of Taylor Rain French's family and friends!


She is loved, no doubt about it! ♥ We feel the love each time our phones go off with notifications...even if we arent responding, we absolutely appreciate them We have limited reception, and also cant have our phones on in certain spots. Trust me, it means the world to us when we do read the post! Please keep the encourgaging words and prayers coming!!!!




Its Crystal again(4.26.12)....

Taylor was moved out of ICU around 10 this morning. She is doing ok. Her blood sugar was up last night but it is back to normal now. She is getting pretty uncomfortable and has tried to cry once. Taylor never cries, ever. So that was sad. But she did have some good moments today. We played music for her and she started smiling, then she started dancing....she got really excited so we had to turn it off. They are stopping all her seizures meds tonight, so it will probably be a long night but hopefully they will get enough information and we can proceed with surgery part 2. Thanks for all your prayers

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