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Changes with the new season



My poor Bruce is still fighting that cold-two weeks now. When Leo showed up coughing two weeks ago-said it was allergies-I started mega-dosing the vitamin C for both of us. Yes, I got it, but since I smoke, did the Mucinex D and within 4 days I was fine. Changed both our toothbrushes. Big thing, I think with Bruce is just fresh air. It has been cold and wet past week, so hesitated to turn off the heat and open windows. But tomorrow is a down day for us and I think, after his shower, will do just that.


In order to give him the Nyquil, I had to medicate him first-didn't want to wake him yet again. It was way too early and I had horrors of him not waking up until June-lol.


Yesterday, the Estim Bike manufacturers sent a rep to our Rehab. Bruce's PT really wanted him evaluated. Kira had her Vet-Endocrinologist appointment in the morning. She is just so special! We did errands, quick lunch then up to Rehab. The bike pro and PT worked with Bruce for over an hour. I was so proud of Bruce. I sat back, listened, but did not step in. At one point PT got very short with him, I almost went over. But then said to myself "just see how he handles this." Bruce has aphasia. He gets mixed up, but if you listen to him and work him through it, he'll get there. This PT has been working with Bruce for over four months now, she should know better. Bruce backed her right up. I was as proud of him then as I was in explaining to the therapists what he was feeling and what he needed for the bike.


Back home and prep for his friends from work for yet ANOTHER birthday celebration. Debi and Carole handle him well, including helping him to bed so I was able to get in some hours at work without paying a caregiver. They had pizza, brought gifts and a huge Chocolate cake-which mostly went to my work today. Bruce waited up for me. At 8pm I could see him wilting and the girls were exhausted, so off to bed for Bruce and the girls cleaned up the kitchen and then headed home.


Normally I would never plan a day like this, without a nap in there somewhere, but Kira's appointment and the work people were scheduled weeks ago. PT evaluation was last minute and I could not say no-it was about his recovery.


Bruce slept until 6:30 am. You all know how rare this is. We went to therapy. Therapist was able to reprogram the changes and Bruce and I did the whole session. He does a 7 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down not included in his total time because the computer is doing all the work. But the workout was 30 minutes-so just over 45 minutes of peddling. Bruce says it makes his over-toned right thigh feel great. With the last session of Botox almost totally worn off and the next not until early June, this is great news. Rehab allows us to use the equipment with trained caregivers at no cost once therapy is decerted. You just sign up.


After that it was grocery shopping. He still continues with his couponing. Saved 1/3 today. We now spend about $50.00 a week-mostly fresh produce, milk, yogurt, salad. Lunch and a long awaited nap. Still he walked with Leo tonight and is working with all of us at toileting himself.


Tomorrow a down day-weather to be wet again. But we plan on showers, paperwork. Carl is coming at dinner to put in the AC. Cathy will supervise most of that. I will come home for a bit but as long as the furniture is moved, Carl handles everything else. My bone scan is May 15th. And I am really working on someone to take him to the pool at least one day a week. I kind of put this on the back burner due to winter coming, but we ended up never having a winter!


With the recent problems with Leo, Bruce and I are discussing me taking another leave from work and cancelling the caregivers for a time. But we have to fit in my PT for my back-Bruce has agreed to be my coach-LOL. I also have to work in some brisk walking for me. Bruce would not be able to keep up and pushing him in a WC will not do it. So shuffling a lot of things. Seems like every season change brings changes here. We will work it out, I am sure. But such great news. Debbie


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Debbie, that is good news on Bruce and the E-Stim bike. That is a long time for him to persevere. He is trying. Hope is cold gets better with the change in weather coming.


Take care of yourself and easy on the back. Hope you have a nice weekend.



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Debbie :


under great caregiver Bruce is flourishing & doing more for himself you you, which translates to better new normal.



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Aren't you glad you are still a young woman, wife and homemaker??? Oh, and a nurse so got everything covered in any season!!!!

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Guest hostwill




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