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Insisting on continued therapy....Explaining that it will never end.



I had to have it out with William yesterday morning. He refused to go to the pool. I told him that if he did not work with me then I would not be working with him.


I proceeded to toss his swim trunks and swim top into the trash can. I explained that if he was not going to do therapy then we could get rid of his stuff. He was not pleased. He said that he still wanted to do therapy and did not want his stuff thrown away.


I had to walk to the garbage can and pick his stuff out. He was afraid that he couldn't bend down and get his stuff out of the garbage. But, I refused to help. He did it.


Then he wanted me to turn the fan on. I told him "no". He had to get up out of bed and stand and pull the string to turn the fan on himself. I told him again that if he doesn't work with me then I will not help him. Again, he said that he could not reach that high. Again , he did it.


Now it gets really good. He had to have a BM. I told him that I hate being the butt wiper and refused to do that. If he could choose what he wanted to do then I could also make that choice. I choose not to wipe you butt anymore. He was devastated. I told him that he would have to get used to going around with a dirty butt. He did like that. But, he had to return to the bed dirty.


Finally, he agrees to go to the pool. I clean him up and change him and we are off.


We had a good workout.


Sadly, we have bouts of stubborness like this every few months.


I just have to be firm and stand my ground.


Today, there was no problem. He was ready to the pool and worked really hard.


I have even started some new exercises.


I have him stand with his right leg back and left leg forward. I just have him do a rocking back and forth rocking motion.


I have him do high knee lifts while standing at the edge of the pool. I am trying to get him to stretch his muscle in his butt. I help lift the weak left leg high and to the chest.


I have also tried a modified yoga move. I have him stand on his left leg and push the right leg back and up. This is to strengthen the left leg and stretch his body.


Then of course we change to the opposite leg and I help the left leg push back into the stretch.


William is now standing in the pool and counting my laps as I swim. He mentioned to me today that that is a workout in itselft. Keeping his balance and standing there and counting my laps.


On top of the stress of arguing with William. My co-worker is giving me a hard time.


I need to think about transfering to a different location or having it out with her.


She keep playing with my schedule. She wants me to accomodate her needs. At this point in my life I just am not as flexible with William's needs to take care of.


I told her that i would not change my schedule any more and she continues to do it. I had agreed to change my schedule in June to accomodate her vacation but not any other time. She just cannot accept that I have said NO.


Just what I need in my life. I think that I need to retire soon.


Fortunately I have the day off today.




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Each person's condition is different as I have learned about stroke survivors but for the most part I had to learn to do thinks for myself so I was very glad I had my right hand left since I was right handed! Had it been my right side I don't know what I would have done! I guess determination to "DO" it yourself is the motivation each person needs to have in their minds!


You see William "can do" if he has to! Now if he's subject to falling well that's another problem! I hope he agrees to continue the exercises because it's his body that needs to function! I will try this month to come see you two when you are off!

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Ruth: amazing what one can do when one is forced to-lol. As much as I am glad William is stil continuing to work out with you, the things he can do amaze me. I look at his past 3+ years of recovery: that he can get out of bed and turn on a fan, walk to a garbage can. You are doing an incredible job and the progress is remarkable.


And then I look at the progress he has made in the pool. Now standing in the pool waiting for you to finish. Big step from sitting on the side line.


I do hope you are journaling all this. Professional therapies are wonderful, don't get me wrong, but insight from one who took the ball and ran with it, on a personal level with no training than what she received while he was in professional therapy is a wonderful story in itself.


So sorry about work. Again, we get things set up and stick to a routine that is obviously working and someone has to toss the old wrench in the works. Just one more thing.


Glad you are off today and good weekend. Debbie

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Ruth, you use the "tough love" approach and that seems to work with William. I used to do that with Ray too, negotiating what I would do compared to what he needed to do. Mostly that worked but sometimes he would switch off and not do anything.


I like that you find new exercises for William to do to stretch lesser used muscles and get them working more efficiently too. It makes exercising and improving more challenging but I think that is needed too, the same old exercises done over and over gets boring.


Keep up the good work.



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Ruth, I had to do the same thing with Larry this a.m. He said he would go to the center to work out and then this morning said "I'm too tired". Well, I didn't buy that. I let him go back to bed for a little but that was my first mistake. I got him up and said "we are going, you can nap this afternoon.


Why is it we have to be their motivator when we have so many other things to take care of? I know they can manipulate ways of getting out of things too. We have to keep pushing or they will just start to slack off.


William does do a lot of things I wish Larry would do, and he does get up early to work out. I give you and Debbie a big bow for working AND be such good caregivers.



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