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Ah, Sleep



I had the most amazing sleep last night. I can't remember a night as restful in a very long time.


Being the oldest of seven, I have always been a light sleeper. One of those other six brats usually needed something overnight-LOL. And that has certainly helped in stroke recovery.


I was thinking as I was cleaning up after dinner tonight that not so long ago, any sound I heard from the WC sent me running. Everything is set up here, in the main four rooms, totally accessible from the WC. When I hurt my back, things had to change. Bruce stepped up and I was forced to let him go. I've added some small things, like picking up after himself and doing more for himself. He transfers independently. And with Ruthpill's suggestion is really trying to get that right leg-foot in and out of the vehicle himself.


I know lifting the WC in and out of the vehicle is probably not good, but Bruce can "tool" himself through parking lots, stores, sidewalks and if this is the only exercise he gets, I must do it.


The up side to all of this is our life has dramatically changed. The "manic" Debbie has had to slow down. Our days are slower, less hectic. All the errands get done, but there is no push to spread things out so Bruce gets out every day. I call this "entertaining" when I am in my ugly mood.


But I reflected tonight, while he went in and did his teeth, took off his AFO and washed up as best he could - he calls me to help finish up - that I am really comfortable knowing he will do what he can, call me when he needs help and is really trying to become more independent. I can hear exactly what he is up to, but no longer feel the need to be right there. Nice when that impulsiveness lessens. I still want to spot him WC to toilet and back, still have to do the wipe anyway, but lately have not had to put a hand on him. Leo and Cathy are also helping out here. They are probably more insistent than I am-lol.


I stayed up way too late last night. I like to see the weather report to plan our outings and then got to talking to Julie. Kira was on Bruce when I did finally get to bed. At some point, he rolled onto his side and she relocates to my side. Usually she pens me in and with Bruce rolling back and forth, I am alert most of the night. Don't get me wrong, I am totally used to that and function quite well. I spot Bruce out of bed at 5:30 am after putting his mocs on. The heat goes on at 5 am and he knows he has to wait until the first round cycles-don't know what will happen come summer. I then get 1 1/2 hours of solid sleep until the Queen decides it is time to eat - LOL.


But last night, all of this activity got right by me. No, I am not disturbed by that. If Bruce had called for me, I would have been right there. But he can roll back and forth, free his feet as need be, adjusts his covers and Kira somehow got into the exact right spot. Bruce called for me at 5:30 and knowing Cathy was coming this morning, I apparently knew I could truly sleep and she had my back as to work here. I only had Bruce's breakfast and his wash up to deal with.


I think I had forgotten how wonderful a true, solid, stress free sleep is. Even Bruce noticed the difference. Part of it is also my walking, alone, everyday, just some me time. This is something that even work does not give because the politics and problems there, along with stroke, go to bed with me at night. I will tell you all that I will not mind this happening again. Debbie


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Good news all around! And I am glad to hear it! Rock on. Debbie.



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A good night's sleep is such a bonus. Try to get as much as you can as many nights in a row as you can, it will make such a difference to your day.


I hate politics in the workplace, makes it harder all round. Do you have a spot where you can leave your problems until the following day? It needs to be just inside the door. For instance, come into the house, open a drawer, brush your problems off your hands into the drawer, pick them up again when you go back out the door to work. It can make a difference, believe me.



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I am so happy that you had good night sleep that shows that Bruce is doing well in his recovery too. My hubby is very light sleeper too versus once I am down, I am totaly opposite, once I am down I m out



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It's good you are a light sleeper. Not so for me, and I need my 8 hours or more.


I am finding too that if I ask Larry to do or try something without me, he can do it. He might say "will you help me"? at first but then I say "why don't you try first". He can usually accomplish the task. As I have read on this forum, those who learned to do things by themselves or lived alone, found they could do a lot. Larry is just to use to me being there.


Enjoy your outdoors and walking and take care.



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it has been over a year since i have dreamed or at least been able to remember them..... i have dreamed 2 nights in a row now... yah for us... nancyl

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Such a simple thing to be thankful for.


A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb

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Guest hostwill


Sleep is indeed important. It's the only way we can charge our batteries and keep our circadian rhythm in check. hope you have more restful nights.


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This phase of life for Bruce is where I was 6 years ago just before my wife returned to work! I learned a lot and how to do more for myself during that time so I'm OK with where I am now! Maybe soon Bruce will be driving himself again too! I'm wondering if a scooter may be better for Bruce than a WC later on being easier to operate???

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When Ray was in the hospital for a few days in February, I slept so well, at least 8 hours straight every night. Not just because of the peace and quiet, but knowing someone else was taking care of him for the moment. Sad but true.

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