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If It Ain't One Thing It's Another



That saying has been repeated over and over for as long as I can remember by my mother and other family members and friends alike! Well, yesterday we learned that my wife's older brother lost his wife to a heart attack. No prior problems along those lines, nothing to indicate there was even a problem at her age of about 60! It really caught us by surprise, she passed Thursday in New Orleans so we prepared to go there yesterday not knowing when the funeral services would be! Then the word came the services will be Wednesday so on the road again for me, my wife, daughter and granddaughter too!


This is her brother that lost his leg after his second stroke not long ago in fact I gave him my scooter to get around on like to the neighborhood store to get cigarettes and to just get out in the neighborhood where everybody knows him! Later on Medicare got him his own walker, potty chair and the things you need with this condition! His wife quit her job to care for him when he lost his leg so he will miss her dearly! There just isn't another person like your spouse when you can't DO much for yourself in my opinion since I been there!


They lived with us here in Texas during hurricane Katrina until his job called him back to restart on getting the hotel completed for Harrah's casino chain! He retired when he lost his leg! The hotel was about half finished but the wind from the hurricane blew out the windows and part of the structure too! Some of you that's been on board awhile may remember me posting about my wife's dad that passed just before landfall of the hurricane and his body wasn't found until February six months later! Then of course she lost her mom two years ago as she was our dependent and this year I felt it on our taxes having to pay IRS instead of a tax refund!


Now we will no doubt be going to New Orleans for the funeral on Wednesday leaving here Tuesday for that 8 hour 525 mile trip! I may not be back on board for a few days because Monday I got pain clinic and arthritis appointments before I can travel! I think my wife gets 3 or 4 days bereavement leave from her job! Pray for us please!


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Fred :


I am sorry to hear loss in your family, your wife & her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.



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Condolences Fred to your dear wife and her extended family. What a tragedy! So sad when the caregiver predeceases the one they are caring for, but it does happen a lot here too. There is only so much worry a body and mind can stand.


Travelling blessings too, 525 miles for a couple of days away is a long drive in any country. I will be praying for you all.



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Fred, sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Have a safe trip. Sometime you will have to share how you are able to drive and travel such long distances.



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fred,i'm sorry to hear of another loss in your family. my condolences to you and your extended family as well. have a safe trip. and don't go losing to much money in the casino's. seems everyone has to pull that arm down at least once. LOL

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I'm sorry for your loss in your family Fred. My thoughs and prayers are with you akk Fred!


My Best to you and your family!,


Bruce Schwentker (hostbruce)

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Guest hostwill



I will gladly pray for you and hope the loving arms of Jesus will surround you, and give you comfort.



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