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A Lot Of Things To Consider During The Coming Months!



As we all know this is election year state and national but I just can't understand why older citizens will not be allowed to vote without a picture ID! Many of them have never driven so no license and no kind of ID card just bills in their names! Maybe that is just another way to keep some people from voting in the elections at every level!


I don't pay property tax anymore by being a 100% disable but I still need an ID to vote! This year I may not vote at all and whatever happens Oh well! You may want to sell your home to get something a bit more safer by being a stroke survivor living in a two story home but you can't give it away to buy a new one the way things are now on selling homes! Especially when you got it about paid out! There is always something to keep the water cloudy instead of clear!


I have gotten ,many notices that Medicare will cost us over two hundred dollars where we now pay 94 to 96 dollars each year! I'll be watching that very closely in the coming months! Medicare checks aren't that much to begin with and taking half of it for Medical just doesn't sound too good to me! Plus now many people must wait until they reach 70 to retire! That's a long way from the age 62 to get your social security when they started holding our money!


People are living longer but many are in homes or being cared for by their children at all ages in their homes! Many of these homes were bought with 30 year loan plans so where is the extra funds coming from to survive in the years ahead of us! It takes two people to pay for homes and the bills now and when one have a stroke and can't return to work it's very hard on one bread winner doing everything!


As I say there are a lot of things to consider in the coming months on where this country is going! Will we be able to have a home or live in a nursing home? It takes money, lots of it we just don't have for paying the bills we owe now! Our kids and grand kids are having to pay higher tuition's for college some have doubled this year alone!


If they are allowed to borrow they will be in debt after graduation for many years without a good job right away! If our homes are willed to them will they lose it or pay for it?? So much to consider!! I'm so blessed in my case and wife still working I only got 5 more years to pay for our home! These are the kinds of things crosses the mind as we get older each year! As always nothing is FREE! You work for everything you get or you already got!!


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Guest lwisman




I agree the voting laws demanding a photo id to vote are a bridge too far. There seems to be a "conspiracy" out there to disinfanchise people. Don't let them win. Vote!!


There is a lot of conflicting info swirling around about various issues. Do what you can do get the facts. Just because someone says something in print, on TV or on the internet does not make it true. Before worrying yourself sick about rising costs, try to figure out what is true info and what is someone trying to make people discontented.


There is a lot in the air. I do believe that the country is at one of those deciding points. Do we care for everyone or just a few? Unfortunately, the few can raise lots of money. They can spread a lot of misinformation.


Take care,


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It seems strange that I have voted every year that I could and there has never been a problem of reaching in my wallet and producing an ID

To think that it precludes a portion of the population is a tub of hog wash.

The ones it precludes are the ones who are illegals,felons, etc oh, and the dead people who some of the Demorcratic party try to register to vote

So don't start on such a problem when it is not, and it serves the public good

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