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a happy birthday and a happy birth



Thank you to all who sent me birthday greetings, on Facebook, via email or by posting on here. I did have a Happy Birthday. I can say I was dreading it, first birthday without Ray at home etc but my daughter made it special by coming up with her family to spend the day with me. They then stayed an extra night so went home Tuesday about 10am.The children were delighted, two whole days out of schoo which is what children everywhere love, others slaving away them having an extra few days of vacation.


I also had Tori from Friday night till Sunday afternoon. We had a nice time together, played on the Wii, did a lot of Just Dancing duets, ate what we wanted when we wanted. Aged eleven now she is a good person to be with. Then add the High Tea for the Jubilee on Saturday afternoon tea at the church, a hilarious afternoon and her company with me for two days as we visited Ray, all in all a special weekend. She went home about an hour after Shirley and family arrived Sunday afternoon.


On Monday morning I prepared a hot breakfast and then Shirley and I visited Mum. It was one of Mum's rare happy smiley days so she smiled at Shirley as we sat out in the sun and Shirley was thrilled, last time she came Mum was mostly sleeping so this interaction was so good for her. As we all know with the very old their condition changes day by day so one day happy, one day sad, one day sleeping etc. It is so good when the visits fall on a day and time when she is more alert though.


After a fairly heavy morning tea we all went to visit Ray. We missed him at lunch but stole him away just after he came out of the dining room. We initially went to the pharmacy for ice creams and then across the park, down the long hill to the waterfront and because Craig is strong he was able to push the wheelchair through some grass and along the cycle path by the Lake. Craig with his long legs was striding ahead and we went a long way before he stopped long enough for us to catch up and suggest we turn back! Still it was warm enough to be pleasant and a walk by the Lake is always nice, lots of birds, Naomi counted 21 pelicans on one jetty railing and lots of ducks, cormarants etc.


Shirley was a bit concerned that Ray was not speaking, in the whole hour and in the half we were with him he probably only spoke two or three words. I am not sure he really knew who we all were. It is a while since he has seen Craig and the children but as Shirley was here three weeks ago and was always hs favourite I would have thought he would have recognised her. Only time will tell. I will mention their visit a few times and see what the response is from him.


Tuesday was a horrible day as I farewelled the family after breakfast, it is always hard to see them go. Then I looked in my handbag for my car keys and they were not there! Not a problem, I know all the usual spots to look but after looking all the right places - nothing. No sign of them at all! No problem, I will fill make my day with some tidying up and look for them as I go. By the end of the afternoon the house was very much tidier but the car keys still not found. I actually forund them this morning (Wednesday) wrapped with the scarf I had taken off when we got back from visiting Ray. I need to go and get a new spare key now so it doesn't happen again.


I did phone a friend to give me a lift to Lions as I hate to miss a meeting. Lions Club dinners are held at a local Surf Club, there was a bad weather warning current so along with high winds and rain we could also hear the roar of the sea and the scattering sound of plastic chairs being blown along the outside deck. Only 14 of us at the meeting but we inducted a new lady Linda who brings our total of ladies back up to five. We have had as many as six but seems like we lose one and gain one most of the time. I go onto the Board in July so will be out three Tuesday nights instead of two.


Wednesday morning was chat, then visiting Ray as I did not visit him Tuesday. He is very quiet at the moment, he cleared his throat a couple of times as if he was going to say something but never did. Maybe this is our "new normal". With Mum speech was something that was better some days than others though she hasn't done more than mutter for the past three years. But prior to that she would suddenly speak after not speaking for a few days. So I hope Ray is the same. I left him when Bingo started.


Then tonight at 5pm Alice Edith Wilkinson was born. I saw her at 7pm and she looked as if she had settled very nicely into this world , thank you very much. She was laying on Edie's chest and looked quite at home. The nurse filling in all the details said Mum and Bub are both in excellent condition after the birth and Edie will only stay in hospital just one night as Alice has some tests to be done tomorrow morning.


Both Nanny Robyn and Granny Sue are of course in raptures and we took turns holding her. Her Mum and Dad are both tired but happy and Lucas says he can't wait for her to come home so he can hold her all the time.Edie said Trev and her sister Katie stood up to the birth well. Trev is so happy, his first child has been a long time coming and as we all know being a parent is a very grounding experience. For those who are friends with me on Facebook I am sure there will be photos soon and I will try to post one here too. Alice's birthdate is good 06.06.2012 and being on the same day as the Transit of Venus makes for an interesting story for future generations to hear.


I am one tired GranMa so I will finally publish this at 9.21pm on 06.06.2012 my time.


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Sue :


:congrats: on becoming grandma & to match your title as granny getting one year old in the same week lol. belated happy birthday. Its good to see you are surrounded by so much love in your family.




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Congratulations, Sue, both on your birthday and new granddaughter. Adjusting to those quiet visits takes time. I find I run out of things to talk about and I must be careful what we discuss because there are topics that cause distress. I fall back on reading books. Dick cannot follow a difficult story line unless it is familiar to him. I am able to do J R R Tolkein books because we have read them before and he has watched the movies. But when I bring in new material children's books work better. I like Patricia St. John books because Dick seems to follow her stories well. Glad to see you are getting envolved in the activities that you enjoy so much. Ruth

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Congratulations! What a beautiful name and Sue I am so thankful Mom and Miss Alice are healthy and happy. Kinda a belated birthday gift Grandma! Yes, Pictures soonest. Rest and love to all. Debbie

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love and congratulations. a little sunshine in a dreary winter.glad the family is doing well. blessings lynn

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