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Caydens newest news



blog-0194645001339021004.jpgSorry havent written in awhile but with school and Caydens graduation from pre-k we have been pretty busy. Alot has happened in the past few weeks. 1.) Cayden started horse therapy this past monday and is loving it. He rides a horse and is learning how to get his horse going and stopping. At the end of the six weeks there will be a special needs rodeo that his class will be participating in.

2.) He will be going to see an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist and may have surgery done on his throat. They found out that the thing that goes in the back of the throat blocks the tube to his nose when he throws up has a split in it. Its hard to explain but they need to get it fixed because it is not looking the way it is supposed to. We wont know for sure until we see the E.N.T. Hopefully in the next few weeks before school starts so he isnt missing any school days. The doctor did say that his stomache acid wont damage his nose because he doesnt throw up enough to do that. THANK GOD!!! I was more worried about that more than anything else.

3.) Cayden is off his meds and doing pretty good without them tho he is still trying to get used to this new routine of his. His sister is gone for the summer to visit her father and he is calling her at least 3-6 times a day. And she thought she would go without him.....LOL. She does miss him tho and she said she doesnt want to go visit because she misses him too much and he misses her too.



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Changes are hard whatever your age and Cayden is dealing with a few now so there will be a settling in period. I can imagine how much he misses his sister, the phone bill will be huge!


Nice to have you back in chat again, we miss those who go "off air" for a while. It is a small community in itself. Thank you for blogging and catching us up on Cayden's doings, we do care about you, your family and him.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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I was just thinking of you today and wondering how Cayden is doing. Thanks for updating us!

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Dyan: he is just precious! Thank you for posting the picture. And if that is your daughter, she is just beautiful.


Thank you for checking in. Like Jami, I too was wondering how all was going. I got to chat late, but everybody updated me. Debbie

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thanks for updating, I was wondering about you & cayden, who is the girl?


hope to bump into chat soon.



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The girl is a volunteer at the horse therapy....She too adores Cayden and he is very popular there being the baby of "Horse Play". The pic is of his first day at therapy.

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