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Another 50 Things...




  1. I will not be defeated by a 100 item list!
  2. I have attempted this list three times.
  3. As a Tomboy and my father's "first son", I was the first girl in my county to be on the boy's baseball team.
  4. I wrecked my brother's mini bike and my leg. He wouldn't speak to me for a week because I got dirt on his foot peg. Tough audience, I'll tell ya.
  5. I was in ninth grade before anyone figured out I couldn't multiply or divide. Mr Newton and Mrs Hollis made me stay after school one whole year and took turns teaching me. They did it on their own time and drove me home each day.
  6. As bad as some of my life has been, there have been tremendously compassionate people who I will never forget nor be able to repay.
  7. Most people say my eyes are my most attractive feature.
  8. Its been said they are expressive and that I "talk" with my eyes.
  9. I was teacher's pet in all my classes.
  10. I got all dressed up in my first-day-of-school clothes and walked to school---a day early. Teacher kept me and had me do bulletin boards for her.
  11. I reported a bomb threat to the principal that some boy made and got pulled out of third period by the FBI to be questioned. Notes from home are so 1950's!
  12. I don't think I'm all that brave or strong. I think I just did what I had to do.
  13. I have a lot of friendly acquaintances but few friends.
  14. My youngest grand daughter is a lot like me. She was being mischievous one day and I said "come here, Colby! Nana's saving her money to buy you something...A Cage!" She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue and said, "oh...I already have one of those...." See what I mean???
  15. Math was my worst subject. English was my best.
  16. I was in band but I couldn't read music. Once I heard the music played once I could play it straight through.
  17. I guess, thinking of math class and band, I took that saying "fake it 'til you make it" to a whole new level!
  18. Me and a boy in my 4th grade science class used to rescue frogs and keep them safe in the teacher's desk. This is why you never heard of the "Save the Frog" campaign. 'Nuff said.
  19. I learned a long time ago not to take myself too seriously--nobody else does!
  20. I'm very down to Earth.
  21. My favorite thing to laugh at is myself.
  22. I have a very big soft spot for the "under-dog"
  23. I am enigmatic.
  24. I don't like hot, humid weather, never did.
  25. I ride a three wheel bicycle to the store because I can't walk quite that far yet.
  26. I am stubborn but I prefer "determined"--it sounds better.
  27. I am 49 years old going on 16.
  28. I have green eyes and had red hair. Everyone else has blond hair/blue eyes. One of those things that make me go hmmm.
  29. I hate to see someone cry.
  30. I apparently can't let anyone cry alone either because I'll cry with them.
  31. I think my cognitive deficits upset me more than the physical ones.
  32. My new air conditioner is installed and cooling my room. Yay! Just in time for tomorrow's 90 degree temp.
  33. I'm easily pleased.
  34. I'm easily amused, too!
  35. I was very angry at God and I felt a great loss because of it. A book titled "The Shack" helped me find my relationship with God again.
  36. Huge shock, the male spelling for my name is Jamie. The female spelling is Jaime. Because my father wanted a boy so bad he used Jamie--the male spelling. Are you seeing a pattern here?
  37. I am claustrophobic and afraid of heights.
  38. Stores that have open meat cases and butcher shops make me very ill. I only shop in pre-packaged meat departments.
  39. I don't know where I'd be without StrokeNet and some very special people here.
  40. My favorite season is Fall and then Spring.
  41. I don't like Halloween.
  42. I celebrate my birthday on another day of the year.
  43. Actually, holidays make me anxious.
  44. I am not a morning person.
  45. I dislike when sales people talk on cell phones while waiting on customers.
  46. I dislike when someone talks on the cell phone when at dinner at a restaurant.
  47. I dislike rude and selfish people.
  48. I had a 4.0 in my junior year in university before the strokes hit.
  49. I use a different perfume each season. Japanese Cherry Blossom in the Fall, Sensual Amber in the winter, Brown Sugar Fig in the spring and Butterfly Flower in the summer.
  50. Whew!



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Wow! You make me proud to be Blog Moderator! You are a star! You are that rare person who loves a challenge and works hard to make it happen. Two more things I noticed about you.



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Thanks Jamie...I never knew, well I don't knoe if I did, that ahere were two spellings for Jaime-feminine and Jamie -masuline...I would have thought Jamie would be Jamie.


* Cool - eye nopener here...not lnly am I doing this with two hands, I am catching some of my errors and able to backspace to correct. Major accomplishment-I had no reverse and when I would try and redo, I woulg get lost in my brain somewhere over ther rainbow or maybe is was!!!


Now back to you, finished my version of the happy dance...I think I feel challenged to attempt to try and write 100 things about myself. Wondering if you learned anything nrew about yourself? That's something we can do...challenge all our survivors to write a blog about themselves....I thin I'll have our support group do the same! Jamie, you are a genuis!!! Thank yoou, thank you, thank you!


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