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Don't Forget to breathe...



Have you ever noticed that pain medicine always wears off an hour before you can take your next dose....ohhhh FUN! I spent a good portion of my morning in the ER getting a cyst removed. I have a condition called hydradenitis supprativa. Sounds like a soupy little Italian sports car. I wish it was as fun.


Basically I have over active sweat glands that get clogged and infected and cause huge, inflamed and SORE cysts that need to be lanced. A few years ago I had one that developed into MRSA and so since I'll be a carrier the rest of my life they get a bit hyper. This one was right at the base of my incision (scar) from my heart surgery and since the culture confirmed MRSA and the location proved to be a repeat offender the doctor said it would only recur unless the "sack" and glands were he shot me with some more local anesthetic and got into digging. OUCH! I took a deep breath just when he went in with his little exacto-knife and I guess I held my breath. Next thing he's tapping me on the shoulder saying "don't forget to breathe". "Thanks, I guess that is kind of important".


Then he takes another swipe and has the gall to pause to ask me, "that didn't hurt?" "Hell yeah it hurt! I can scream and strike mortal terror into that little boy behind the next know...if you think that'll help" It hurt but it really wasn't anything to scream about. I didn't think the anesthesia took the edge off the pain much, until a few hours ago. Feels like someone drilled a hole in my chest...yeah right...don't forget to breathe.


Anyway, I'm okay. I.V antibiotics there, a script for oral antibiotics, back in two days to have packing changed and more I.V antibiotics. Half an hour before pain med time and I'm hitting the hay.


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Oy...youch! My best friend had that as well. I saw how much pain and discomfort the cysts caused her both in her underarms and groin area. She opted to get her underarms sweat glands removed since hers was nearly a constant painful condition. This was 20 or so years ago. I sincerely hope they've come up with better options/treatment by now. I took care of her, after basically having her armpits removed.


Hope you're owie free for a long while after this.


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I've been lucky in that my cyst usually occurred one at a time and usually no more than twice a year. Last year was my first year to experience this condition in it's "full glory" with four in one armpit and five under the other--at the same time!


After that it was suggested that they would do the surgery if it continued at that rate. I'm trying really hard to avoid that.

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