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If it ain't one thing,



it's a 'nother.


Seems the small stumbling blocks, literally, with stroke are often what impedes our recovery. Which in turn affects our attitude and optimism in all this mess. I suppose I need to accept that it is going to be that way. It's difficult to reserve the expectation of the other shoe dropping when I'm in the midst of having a small high of progress and hope of enjoying things in a small way. But then, I tend to be very gung-ho and might bring some of this down on myself.


Recently, I'd been enjoying walks outdoors. It felt great and I was getting much needed exercise.So, naturally, my 'good' knee develops a problem.Bursitis from overuse and walking badly. It's put those walks and much else, on hold. Clunk goes that shoe. Last year it was seizures. It doesn't take much to halt working on recovery in a way you feel passionate about.. In the scheme of the stroked;I have little to complain about. I met one guy fighting cancer and trying to recover and quite a few others with broken bones to contend with along with stroke. I'm just remarking, not complaining.I know life was like this prestroke, but it takes far less now, to take the wind from of my sails.


Perspective, perspective, I'm trying to regain it and not be childish about how things don't go my way. The rehab gym usually takes care of that for me. I'll be able to go back tomorrow, I think, after a hiatus due to the knee. It'll all be put in the proper light then, surrounded by many people contending with far greater challenges than stroke


Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.



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One more time, we're so much alike. I get so discouraged but then I get back up eventually and go again...but it sure is frustrating!


Last year I was making progress walking unassisted, this year the doctor wants a walker so we compromised on those Tiny Tim forearm crutches...for now. I'm not giving up and I know you won't either.


I'm over here in your cheering section. Git-R-Done, girlfriend.

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Tiny Tim crutches... that made me laugh!

Giving up isn't an option, ever. I've seen some results of that and it's not pretty.

I am picturing you cheering and waving those crutches Gimme an S, gimme a T, gimme a O..well you know where I'm going with that.

Thanks,Jamie, we're a couple of toughies. :)

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Somewhere over the rainbow....I love it.


Yes, We must keep going on. It is amazing ...as hard as our lives are. There are others who have it worse.


Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing the video clip. I love it.



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Truer words were never spoken and life is like that for ALL stroke survivors I know about! Then when it rains it still pours out like salt!

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I hear you, giving up is definitely not an option. I have to remember to take it easy and slow down because I’m so ready to get my life rocking and rolling again. We are the Stroke it Forward Group, like the movie Pay it Forward, where one person does something nice for someone and keeps passing the generosity on.

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I share that feeling--small setbacks are devastating when you're dealing with stroke recovery! Just take care of yourself and go to the gym if you can't walk outside. This week I couldn't go out for 2 days because of the rain, and I felt terrible--and I've been praying for rain because we've had a dry spring and summer so far! Go figure. HenryB

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