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Now what?



Holidays, graduations, out of town guests, kids coming, kids going, meetings, appointments…! April and May hit like a tornado and things have yet to stop spinning. As the saying goes.. the hurrieder I go the behinder I get. I didn’t even look at my computer for a month and a half and I only got a few peeks a week the rest of the time. Then – nothing! I have only one thing on schedule for the rest of this month.


Now I am wondering what to do next. I have shared my journey since last fall to make arrangements to bring my husband home using the Money Follows the Person incentive program. Dick’s discharge date was to be July 11. But that is not going to happen. Our state changed who was in charge of that program in the middle of the process so there was a lot of confusion. The seemed to be willing to offer a lot up front but I waited and waited to get a commitment of how much in home assistance we would receive. In our final meeting a whole new set of people comprised those in attendance. I had all my ducks in a row with doctor appointments, VA papers filed out, home visits and PT/OT evals completed. The MFP had packets of papers prepared which explained all the benefits that Dick would receive. My minimum of in home assistance was met. It took over an hour to go through all the paperwork. THEN they tell me that they don’t think it is a safe discharge because I am the only one who is assuming full care of Dick! Why they had not been more forthcoming with that info is beyond me or anyone else who knows about it can understand.


This has left me very disgusted and downright angry. I figure that it is my business and responsibility to determine whether or not Dick comes home. I have been very cautious through this whole process to not jump into something that I cannot handle. To have some strangers randomly make that decision is disturbing. Especially so when I have done my homework and determined just what I would need help with so that it would be a safe arrangement for the both of us. I did challenge them about it. Their only answer is to have at least two more people to come to a meeting and agree to assume full responsibility for Dick. I do not want anyone else to have to assume that sort of responsibility for him. I have a support system in place to help me provide Dick’s care but I cannot imagine asking someone to assume my job. When I am angry I shut my mouth. I have taken the last couple of weeks to digest this and cool down before making a fuss. I don’t want to jump into a decision that I will be sorry for later.


So here I am having made the decision to bring Dick home with assistance feeling extremely disappointed. I had even done some trial runs just to see how our days would work with him home. It was hard without help but I sure enjoyed having him with me. I had begun to rearrange things to clear a bedroom for Dick. I just don’t really know what to do now. It is still possible for me to bring Dick home of course. However, I will not have all the upfront things that MFP would have provided and possibly not as many in home assistance.


When my kids were little we used to go camping every year. For the rest of the family this was vacation. For me it meant doing all the work I did everyday but made a little harder. In the same way having Dick in the nursing home does not relieve me of his care. Sometimes it is just a little harder. I still have to supervise his care and often I still have the heavy care as well. I do have more flexibility it is true. But I miss out on Dick’s company at home and I have learned to dread sitting in that place for several hours every day. There are tradeoffs.


Dick is extremely disappointed. Then when he is in one of his confused states he nags me about when I am going to take him home. Through this process I tried very hard to keep Dick from knowing what was going on just so he wouldn’t be disappointed. But there were three different agencies sending people to evaluate him and everyone kept telling him he was going to go home. Of course I am the one he blames. He does not understand all the background work that goes into his care.


In the meanwhile, Dick’s mental condition is still up and down. He has not followed the regular progression in his memory loss. They say that more resent memories are the first ones to go. That is not so with Dick. He remembers what things have taken place recently though he cannot seem to understand whether something was yesterday or several days ago. It is things like our wedding that he does not remember. He knows we are married but even looking at the pictures he does not remember the event. I am not sure that he remembers our motor homes even.


I think the thing that bothers me the most is the feeling of no one else really understanding our situation. It is easy for family, friends and even professionals to come up with what they think is the easy solution. Unless you have been through all this it is impossible to really understand all the shades of grey. So just because someone else makes a decision for me I cannot just accept it. I can see the situation from more angles. In truth I do not believe there is a better choice for Dick’s care. Dick home or Dick in a nursing home – both choices have equal pros and cons. I now stand in limbo.


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Ray is only in a nursing home because I too couldn't get the care I was promised. It is such a shame as with 15 hours for his health care and three to six hours respite for me we could have managed.


I am sorry it has been so long a journey for it to end this way. But I haven''t heard the weight challenged lady sing yet so maybe...?



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I would try to find out where the specific root of deciding that its not a safe dicharge cause you are the only one assuming responsibility...is their documentation of a state of federal mandate requiring this? if there is is not do they have the right to impose their opinion??? Is it the nursing home-- Dick sounds like a 8000.00 per month guy and money is money... i learned with dan the culprit is sometimes the friendly face- saying ohh- thats to bad....so try to find out who ,what ,when and why get the actual documentation.. all of us here on stroke net ( most) who have badley affected loved ones are pretty much sole care takers... and you had planned on utalizing the MFP to have caretakers come in and assist you right... so I'm not following their thought... we wont let him go cause you have no help--- but you have no help cause we wont let him go...but we will give you help if he goes ----- but we cant give you help cause he cant go---------------pretty viscous cycle--- any friends or family willing for paperwork sake to attend a meeting and say they'll be there?? If I lived closer I'd go and say I would.. well hopefully something will work out for you..nancyl

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Hi Ruth. It was good to see your post again and update on Dick. I can't believe they were so unfair to you after you went to all the meetings and jumped through all the hoops meeting their requirements. Also, poor Dick being told he was going home and then to add to his confusion by changing their tune. What is it with these people? I hope you get something worked out. You sure have tried hard to make this work. Good luck and - glad to see you back here.



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Oh Ruth! I am so sorry. I was hoping for the good news when I saw your blog. Please just hang in there. It may still be coming. But after all that work and your bases covered.


The point of this whole thing is to get Dick home, with certainly less cost, all the help you need.


Please know I am praying for both of you. Debbie

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The decision that this was not a safe discharge was made by the people coordinating MFP. They actually brought three levels of management to our last meeting to prop up this decision. They claim that it is their licenses on the line with this discharge. They are also telling me that getting Dick readmitted into long-term care would be extremely difficult because new laws are making it so. In their opinion, I guess, I should hang on to the long-term care benefits that Dick has because they will not be available in the future.


A very ugly picture is arising. Since the changes in healthcare have been taking place, the benefits to seniors has taken a substantial hit. I have noticed that my parents are unable to get certain prescriptions covered by Medicaid part D. One of drugs was Valium which is relatively cheap. My father was in the hospital again this past week. The day he was discharged they had him sign a form explaining that he was being build not as inpatient but observation which is outpatient! When I got him home he had a bill waiting for an earlier ER visit that was only partially covered when it has always been covered before. He does have a secondary insurance but they apparently did not pick up the slack.


It would appear that the government no longer wants to provide the care promised to our seniors.


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