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what do i do??



well dan is now refusing his meds-- and he will not drink his supplements or eat -- so i'm going to have to make a decision... do i have a g- tube put in? it would solve the hyderation,nutrition and medication problem.. but it takes away more control from dan who is already with none..is it right to impose a medical procedure on him cause i can ( i am his legal gaurdian with medical) so yes i can make it happen ---- but is is right?? It is a big dilema... a moral dilema... remember although dan has much intellegence-- he is diminished compliments of the stroke--- so am i ,by not doing the procedure doing him justice as his gaurdian??? no answers, just more questions... I do want all to " weigh in" on their opinion.. I am pretty fragile emotionally right now please be truthful but not brutal..nancyl


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sometimes if you save them in draft and then publish them they come out on the date you first started them...gremlins eh?



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gremlins--- cause i looked everywhere for the thing--- oh well --- i never save i immediatley publish - thats why my grammar is so bad--- hahha

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