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Life Goes On!



Well, by now many of you members know about the deal that went down in Colorado! I'm saying we are here living with pains some of us can't walk, can't see, can't talk like we want to or get about on our own but no matter our individual conditions we have life and life goes on as it has for years!! I'm glad about life with my family because this is my fourth try at being the husband and head of household! And by golly, it's working now for fourteen years and I thank God!!


As a stroke community we stick together more and we try to share the common goals and set backs survivors encounter daily or whenever things arise we need to discuss for more understanding of that situation that will help the ones in need! When the new members join they usually have big questions that some of us here may have encountered in our survivor journey!!


It's very hard on us when we lose a loved one so close to us like a spouse or mate but those things happen almost daily or we have a loved one that has to go into a nursing home!! We may have people here that had close relatives or friends in Colorado like I did! Let me say now that they called us and said they were in the theater but was not harmed in any way! WOW, you all know that was a blessing when so many was shot by this crazy man!


My close friend is stationed here at Fort Hood but was on assignment to the Air Force Academy and in the theater that night thinking he would catch the late showing because of his schedule the next day! The first thing he said to me was, "life goes on"!! Some of us here has lost loved ones and we don't hear from them very long or very often but I think of them often wondering how they are doing as their lives go on!!


This is one of those day I sit and think how blessed I am to have survived the Vietnam war, other personal conflicts and a stroke to enjoy another birthday this past Sunday!! A member wrote a Blog that stated about putting things off until tomorrow that started me thinking about life in general!

The point is we just don't know the day nor the hour and no one else knows either so I just want to enjoy the time I have and live for today since tomorrow is not promised!! I enjoyed reading that blog and it made me think long and hard about life and how it goes on to the point of no return!


We leave tomorrow on a trip to New Orleans for a few days to visit family members, some are sick, and need to see other family members for comfort!! So I probably won't be on the site for a few days but I should be Okay! My daughter and grand daughter are staying here along with the puppy, Princess to continue her training to go outside and stop using the pad for her business!!!


School will be starting here soon and I hope to have her fully trained to come get me when she is ready to go outside! She is almost there but not quite yet! I'm ready to stop buying those pad and I have a big yard front and back!! Anyway I shall be back on the board soon and by then it will be time for another Blog!! I think I have missed a couple weeks already! Let's keep thinking Life Goes On!!!


Recommended Comments

Fred :


loved your blog, adversity like yours can do two things to person, it can make them bitter person or better person, I am glad all this life's experience has made you better person. I feel the same way about my life's journey.



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You don't know me yet Fred, because I'm a new member, tho not a new survivor. Very good blog. Positive and life affirming. Wishing you continued blessings and joy in your journey.



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Guest hostwill



You and I have had similar battles, but by the grace of God we survived those obstacles and We'll continue to do so. Have a Great time in the "Big Easy"



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Fred, spot on as always. Life goes on. We might have set-backs and things happen to us that we resent or cannot handle for a while but eventually we get a handle on life again and on we go.


Have a good trip and come back refreshed.



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Well said Fred, my sentiments exactly. I too want to be a better and not bitter person from life’s lessons. I enjoy reading your words of wisdom and inspiration. It really helps me put things into perspective and to place value on what’s really important, living and enjoying life right now.


Enjoy your trip.

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