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Finally back to myself




I'm finally feeling like myself again! I'm not me without my work. I started working as a social worker for an Adult Medical Daycare, and there I really fit in......many of my clients have had strokes. I also got back to doing counseling on Mondays and Fridays, and I work in Baltimore City with the homeless, those in drug recovery, etc It reminds me to have gratitude for the way I'm living my life. I'm living on my own, in my house, and with my dog Paz. I get help from a guy friend (datingdisabled.com) about once a week just to do heavy lifting and stuff around the house, and of course my mom's still there to help. I get my groceries delivered. My depression is almost gone.......no further bouts of crying. But that's come and gone my whole life.


I just re-entered therapy, because I was approved for medical assistance, thanks to Maryland's Employed Individuals with Disabilities program. Both my PT and OT have noticed nice changes since I've been gone for the past six months, but I knew they would.


I'm back to the online dating world, and as I suspected, my profile draws in a lot of people recovering from various illnesses. As usual the online dating world is full of good things and disappointments, but I love meeting people, so that newness is good.


My walking is good, but it's not like regular walking. I've accepted......over the past year and a half, that I'll never be what I was. Tough pill to swallow. My arm and hand are making slow improvements, but I haven't exactly been committed to my Saeboflex, the robotic arm device. My OT will whip me into shape. I am very comfortable saying to new people "I've had a stroke," and accepted my new identity, but it was certainly a slow process. One good thing that I noticed I was able to do was put my right hand up on the steering wheel and steer! So excited!


So that's what's been going on in my world! Hope you all are healing. Whatever happens, remember your blessings.


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Christine, I think you have done very well. That first year after the stroke is the hardest and now you are well on the recovery trail and by the sound of things have found some of the things you can still do and are doing them well. I think getting both hands involved in driving for instance is a real achievement.


On the workfront it looks as if you are putting your newly recovered abilities into the new jobs and using the stroke experience too. I am glad you are not afraid to say "I have had a stroke" as I know a lot of people do try to hide it fearing people with think less of them because of it.


Thank you for your update, just keep on blogging, keeping us updated. An online diary is so good for seeing how far you have come on the stroke journey.



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Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have accepted the new you and doing well. And that gives me hope in what I have to look forward to.

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christine :


thanks for updating your blog, I am glad you are moving forward in your life with best of your ability, when you look at life with persepective of gratitude it does not feel that bad. good for you on your acceptance journey.



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