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Bob's Journaling...



This came up in another post, and originally I put it there, but figure it might not get seen there after people already looked at that post, so am transferring it here. It concerns journaling and his aphasia.


I wish he could journal. I have him write a little each day, but even he doesn't know what it means when he gets done. He knows while he is writing, I think, but when he gets done and looks at it, he says this is all jibberish. There are litterally, not 2 words together that make sense. I told him that what mattered was that he knew what he was writing while doing it, and his brain was actually doing more than one thing: thinking, writing, seeing, and it took time to organize it all and get it in order. Only practice could do that. Here is an example of his writings:




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I think you are right, with practice he will get better. It is making his brain work and that is a good thing. I also imagine that it tires him out as much as physical exercise does. His handwriting is very neat and organized too!! I used to have very pretty handwriting and now it looks like a first grader's. When I sign a check I wonder if the bank is gonna put it through or not. LOL.

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I agree the handwriting is good - even though I have my right hand for writing my spacial skills are shot so I have trouble with letter size & spacing


and yes making the Brain work & organize is a must.



I do all our banking & pay bills online and our farm books I can do it on puter but not manually.- cuz my writing is so bad I have my husband write the checks or I mess them up - telling you this to let you know mental work is as exhausting to us as running a marathon might be - I can only do so much without a nap - try to have him do his brain work in am when he is most rested

Good luck

Susan fromAlberta Canada

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He does his English Immersion software on the computer, and I've worked with him a little to type on the computer, but he really hates it because he can only use one hand and see half the keyboard! Still, try to do a little of everything.

I never thought about how the handwriting might go, so I guess that's one thing he has going for him. :)

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He does have very clear handwriting which is good! When Mike first came home he could barely sign his name, now it is starting to look like his old signature. Keep him doing this and eventually the words will make sense. Then you can show him the progress he has made! That will be good therapy! Seems like everytime I show Mike what things were like when he first came home vs now he seems to get a boost of enthusiasim and wants to work that much harder! Keep it up Sandy it will get better!

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That is GREAT!!!! I would give pretty much anything for dan to able to do this ----- congrats----- and (((hugs))) nancyl

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I've been on this journey a long time and have found this transition so hard to watch, the stumbling walk of the runner, the muddled thoughts of the writer. But with practice, with time, with help some of it was resoloved and the new person, the one we loved so much, emerged.


Sandy, find some help for his writing as well as the other factors you are trying to fix. Journalling might be the answer, but so might copying what others have written, reading out loud, singing (uses a different part of the brain) chanting and even reciting poems, nursery rhymes etc. It is just another form of practice that helps the brain wake up again.


In the meantime just enjoy Bob being Bob.



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My heart and prayers are with him, he is no different from any of us, we all had a stroke just some had more stuff happen than another guy! The come back trail is for each of us to get better at all we do by trying!! I stayed in the hospital 5 months and thought I would not survive seeing others come in one day and leave a few days later I felt they were leaving me behind but I came out alright after all!!


The main thing is do therapy as much as insurance will allow then at home much as possible!!

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Mike says to have him sing! He says it will help him develope how the words go together to make a sentence. He said to play him his favorite song and let him sing along until he can remember it with out the words. He says that might help. Hope things are going good for you guys today! Cat

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Yes it takes time and it will come, just keep up the practice. We all need to remember that we’ve come a long way and the journey is not over so keep pressing on.



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