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kooza...cirque de soleil



It was fabulous. William thoroughly enjoyed himself.

He anticipated the evening to come so much that he spent the day resting after his morning pool therapy. He was really excited.

I got home at 2:30 PM and William wants to get ready to go. The program doesn't start until 8P. I told Wm that I needed a rest so that I would be up for the end. I did get a nice nap in.

I got to the tent early. It is always fun to get there early. good parking and the crowd to get you excited.


Handicapped seating is always prime. It is the best. They really go out of their way to take care of the handicapped guests. Just for that extra service I will go again and again.


William was chatting to one of the attendants and we learned that they come to Houston every year because the crowds are so good. Lots of people attend their performances.


Houston is huge but we are fortunate that they are located right in our neighborhood. We left the house at 6:30P and got home at midnight. The time flew by. It was mesmerizing.


The performers were like the gymnists in the olympics.


I had to buy a coffee mug as a remembrance of our show. I bought the mug because it has this handle that William particularly likes. It is a big long handle that William can grip easily. A little expensive but what a grand souvenier.


I told William that he could have a cup of coffee in the Kooza

cup tomorrow morning.


I left William and scouted out the tent. When i get back..William insists that he is not comfortable when I leave him alone. I tell him that I will just leave him for a short while because I want to look around. He agrees if it is only for a short while.


Wm's bottom gets sore when he sits in the wheelchair for along time. I used the ROHO cushion

on top of his regular wc cushion. It helped him to endure the show. I did have him stand up during intermission to give his bottom a break.


I want to promote Cir de Soleil...They are a wonderful group to see...and they are so good to the handicapped. See them if you have a chance. William is already talking about seeing them next year.




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Ruth :


I am so happy you both had great time at the show, now that you have mentioned we will go & see that show sometimes.



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So glad you had a good evening! One of these days I am gonna get Mike to go to something like that with me! He hates those kind of things but I thind I could talk him into it if I told him I really wanted to go!



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Ruth: I am so jealous and was so excited for you and William. and the fact that the handicap accomodations made it so much easier on you! I have seen two Cirque's and at the time, pre-stroke, brought all the stuff home to share with Bruce.


I am so glad William enjoyed. It was a long night. Good idea about the stretching at intermission.


Good for you for getting the souvenir. It will be important to William down the road.


I am so happy for both of you. A huge night out and great success. Debbie

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Ruth, what is their schedule and how far do they travel from the Houston area?? Specifically do they come to central Texas or nearby??

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I'm ready to go too. I know they have come to St. Louis but don't know when they will be here again. I like the handicap provisions being offered! Glad you both enjoyed it.



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