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I just hate the sound of the wind howling, the rain slashing, the waves (two streets over) hitting the rocks and that lonesome feeling that comes calling again. Why am I alone, why am I here by myself, where are the friends and family that should be supporting me? I know they all wish me well but that is the extent of their care. I so hate being alone some days.


I have been out to see Ray as usual. A wet Saturday and not a lot of visitors are around because of the weather. There are music videos on in both the lounge rooms so you take a choice, country and western or an old Barry White concert? Settled for the country and western as some of those romantic love songs get to me now. It would be okay if it was just the two of us, seems so WRONG in the nursing home setting. Yes, I am taking things too personally today but that happens sometimes.


What do you do about the problem of being alone? One of the old friends we have made since Ray has been at the nursing home expressed it this way today: "I hate it when all the family tell me they are busy with their own stuff and I just wish I could have half the life they have." Yes, the jealousy bug has me again too. I want that warm fire and a big cuddle, or why get out of bed at all on the wet winter Saturday? In the old days we would have been snuggled up, not sitting primly side by side with Ray, slipping forward in his wheelchair and sleeping yet again while I watch a video in the middle of the morning. Did I mention it all seems so wrong?


I do get sick of being Pollyanna, I know that is my personality but sometimes even I get sick of trying to be upbeat, trying to have a smile on my face, seeing others having a good time...well you get the picture. Another session on the pity pot. I've had a tiring week. I guess attending two funerals, a lot of rain and not much happy company has something to do with how I feel. I know that sooner or later the sun will be back and I will feel better but for the moment my mood is as gray as the skies.


Mum was very quiet this week. We went to the church service in one of the big lounge rooms together on Thursday and one of her room mates was parked in her comfy chair behind Mum's comfy chair. This lady is mostly silent now but she chatted to herself all through the service, or rather not to herself but to her old friend Betty, gone for 22 years now. The talk went something like: "gabble gabble gabble, Betty, what do you think?". I know none of it made a lot of sense and it was silly to be excited about it but I haven't hear this lady talk so much in a long time so it was good to hear her vocalising. I guess I really miss that with Mum.


Sometimes when I am in a "poor me" mood I reach out to others.If I am lonely I can guess that some of my widowed friends will be feeling lonely too. That mustn't have been so as I rang four of them, left four messages on answer-phones and only one rang back. So obviously some families are doing something with their oldies. Or maybe, the day being the way it was, they were doing what I should have done, curled up in a warm bed and sleeping through the day. Even the cats next door were asleep when I went over to feed them. Note to self - sleep the next rainy day away.


I was able to contact an old work colleague who has had a rare kind of stroke called a "spinal stroke". Apparently it is caused by a blockage in the veins that feed the bottom of the spine so renders the person a paraplegic. She has been in hospital and rehabilitation unit just on six months and is finally seeing some progress. She has feeling but no movement below the waist. She said she had driven a car for the first time using just hand controls and had been told she could probably go back to driving when she gets home. Her home has to be modified a great deal and she knows that could take a while but she has plenty of therapy to keep her busy.l was glad to catch up with her as we had been good friends when we worked together.


Maybe I need to re-arrange my life again, try to think of something new to do or do something in a new way. Maybe it is time for an outlandish new hairdo or maybe when the rain goes away I might go get that massage. I've always got plenty to do, some days I just don't have the energy to do it.


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Sue i know what you mean--- the I miss----------- ( fill in the blank)... that darn stroke just keeps taking and taking not only from Ray but from you as well... the description you give of cuddleing in bed on a cold winter day.... MMMMMM sounds so good.. mabey you should move another bed in next to ray and snuggle..the place dan was at would have let me but every place is different - fire codes and all that... a nice cuddle is what you need - luckily with grandbabies you get a "FIX" on occassion... you are such a inspiration to so many...and a rainy day in bed sounds like you need it...nancyl

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Sue I understand completely about the friends and family that have to much to do to visit. I don't even get invitations anymore to family things. I needed my sister to go with me to take my dad to an appointment last saturday but she said she had some things she needed to get done around the house and couldn't go, next thing I see on facebook is that she is at a housewarming party for my niece that I wasn't even invited to. Guess they think that since I had to stay with Mike 24-7 when he first came home that I still have to do that but they haven't even asked me about it. Guess it's just easier for them to live thier lives and forget about me than to try and deal with what's going on in mine. I sometimes get so lonesome for just a friendly night out with the girls and I know Mike would not mind me going it's just that since they have all shunned me I don't even feel like having anything to do with them.

Why don't you take nancy's advice and have some snuggle time with ray? It may not be like it use to be but it will still feel good to be close to him like that again.

We need things to help occupy our minds and keep us focused on the good things God has given us but sometimes it is good just to spend the day in bed and let the world pass us by! Helps me clear my head and gets my thoughts together. I will spend a little time crying, some time praying, some time reliving the good times in the past and some of it sleeping. Then a new day comes and all the worries and woes of yesturday are settled in my brain and I get up and start life all over again! Love ya Sue! Hope things get better and the sun shines warm on your face real soon!



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Sue :


I am sending you ton of virtual hugs, I m sorry you re feeling blue today & miss your Ray so much, maybe spending time with him in his room might help boost your mood, its ok to sit on pity pod but don't forget to flush it & remind yourself tomorrow is new day and sun always comes out



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I'm sending my support to you as you struggle through that deep pit of loneliness. I expect the weather isn't helping a bit. I am a loner by nature and have often felt I would be fine if I was ever alone. However, now that the possibility is closer to me, I have had glimpses of the kind of loneliness you speak of and recognize the sadness that comes with it. It sounds like you've done what you can to reach out. I hope others will respond soon and give you a good night out for dinner and a visit.


You don't have to carry the added burden of being upbeat all the time. No one feels that way all the time even if your general attitude is one of looking on the bright side. It sounds like you are going through a little bit of grieving for what is lost. We who are caregivers do that in bits and pieces don't we? You have had an abundance of losses with Ray going into the nursing home and it is natural that you would grieve.


Continue to take good care of yourself. Please do get that massage or anything else that would give you a lift. You certainly deserve it.



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Sue: my darling Mary Beth is going through some medical issues herself. Resolution is a few days off, always tough to have to wait. I wanted her to come this weekend. Her family is so dysfunctional and I know she will not get the rest and attention she needs right now. Plus I so want to be able to go with her and of course, I can't


But she said something interesting this morning. We are going through three days of storms. Nothing like your winter. Just a system going through. But Mary said, if the sun was out, if it would just shine, I would be so much more able to deal with this. Children of the sun.


Sue, maybe it is time to think about a pet. Someone you could care and cuddle for, who would respond. Dog may be a bit much to handle - but if you got an older one, more set in his/her way, could be left alone. Take for walks, talk to. Maybe even travel in the car with you to do errands. If Mum and Ray's facilities allow, take for a visit. Of course, a cat is less maintanence. Someone to cuddle with, petting is so relaxing and peaceful. Someone to tend to and nuture, who gives back. Kira is a great listener - LOL. Something to think about.


I can only say that I think and pray for you every day. I can only listen and offer my love and affection. Hugs, of course, as best I can give and hope that tomorrow the sun will shine and you will get some of Sue back. Debbie

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Sue Lesley is now in NZ for six weeks visiting her 90 year old mum. She has been complaining about the cold NZ winter since she left here in summer. Winters here are far colder, but guess we are used to it. About people getting on with their lives and forgetting you. Well, I have noticed that twice. First time was when first wife passed away. Nearly all the joint friends we had lost my phone number. Same thing when I had my stroke, all the guy friends got on with their lives and forgot mine. Now that I have made a good recovery, some have come back, now that I can do things with them again. I think that is one of the things that motivated me to work hard at getting better, I realized that if I wanted friends other than dr's and pt's, I would have to get to where I could do things with them or do without

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