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Neuro Visit!!!!



Took Mike to his neurologist for his monthly visit yesterday. All went well! He was really pleased with the progress Mike is making. Says he is gonna be one of the STROKE SUCCESS STORIES!!! He believes in 6 months to a year he should gain most of his functions back. Isn't that awsome! Talked to him about the vision going and coming, he has no idea. Said he has not herd of that happening. Thinks it could be caused from BP dropping, wants us to stay off meds for BP and keep a log till next month. At the moment Mike has full vision once again, hoping it stays this time!


After leaving the doctors office we stopped by the Harley Store and he actually walked all the way around the store using nothing but his cane, not the hemi, a straight regular cane!! Did really good too. He did get tired and had to sit down for a few minutes but other than that he was great! I was so proud of him. He bought me a coffee cup with Harley on it in signature script and a dimond on the tail end of the y. It is so pretty. Got my new grandson a t-shirt with " Ride all Night, Sleep all Day" on it, soooo cute! Couldn't leave the 11 year old granddaughter out so we got her a t-shirt also with "Harley Angel" on it. Think she will love it!


He has been taking a new medicine for his pain (Nerontin) and it sure seems to be helping. He sleeps all night and wakes with a renewed energy that he hasn't had in a long time! Finally something working in our favor!! Yea!!!



All in all it was a great day!


Hope you all have a great day today! I sure did miss not having the site to read the last couple of days! Glad it is back online and I can share and talk to all my newly found family!




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That is good news that he has his vision back again. It is also good that the doctor was so upbeat and hopeful about Mike's recovery. I am sure that encouragement is what led him to want to do more and walk all the way around the store. That is the way you recover....keep pushing the envelope and trying for new things every day. Go Mike go!! He'll be back on that Harley in no time!



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Don't forget, try to keep getting therapy however possible for as long as insurance or whatever way you can afford to pay for it, if not try the YMCA near you for free in using what they may have available to exercise on!!


I think I came along in recovery from the stroke like Mike is doing, I just stayed in the hospital 5 months and still couldn't walk!! They gave me that Hemi walker too and I used it for another month or so then got the cane and the scooter from the VA!! I been on the go every since driving too!!


I'm very glad to hear he is coming along so fast!!

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Cat: what a great report from the Doctor. Congratulations to both of you.


That was a terrific idea about the Harley store. Took some sting out of the weekend issues, I am sure. And yes shopping, always fun.


He has made such great strides in recovery. And yes the set backs get discouraging. But he pulled himself back up after working himself through it and with your help of course. But now, with the positive report from the Doctor, I know he will push even harder because that Harley ride is now in sight! Yahoo! Am toasting both of you tonight. Debbie

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Thanks eveybody for the encouraging words! We sure did enjoy the shopping trip. I forgot to mention that I sat on a Fat Boy and it felt really good! May buy me one next year!


Hope you all have a great weekend! Debbie drink one for me!! LOL.

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I finally made it here, been a madhouse for us, haven't even had time to write on m blog.


I'm so surprised that the doctor said he'd never heard of the vision going in & out, I expected he could solve the mystery. I'm not familiar with that neurontin drug, non of Bob's doctors have mentioned it. Where was his pain at that it helped?


I do think Mike is going to make a full recovery, he has came so far, and so quickly. I know you are both so happy you are giddy!

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Pam we share the same prayer!


Sandy I know what you mean by madhouse! It stays that way around here it seems! I was very suprised myself that the doc had never herd about the vision thing. The pain is in his wrist and knee. The therapists seem to think it is some sort of nerve pain. Non of the other meds have touched it to relieve it but the neurontin seems to be doing the trick! I am so thankful for that. He can excercise so much easier now and has a lot more energy to do them also.


I keep telling him things are gonna get better but even hearing the doctor say it he still seems uncertain as I guess everyone is. I tell him about all the things you guys say about how good he is doing and he loves hearing about what you guys have said. He also loves hearing about the progress everyone on here is making also! Thanks guys for helping us through this time and I hope we can help you all too.


Keeping everone of you in our thoughts and prayers!!



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Guest hostwill


Cat, That is good News, I'm glad he has a good attitude, because that is important on the road to recovery.


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Cat: the problem with stroke recovery is that it is so individual. What Bruce considers a priority, Mike, of course, does not. Mike has his own priorities. Where Mike needs to get back on his bike, Bruce needs to get through a book without having to reread what he already read.


And that is where we all help. We know our partners and can consider what is working for one and how to connect that to what we are working on. Mike bloomed in the Harley store - how does that transcribe to Bruce? It is up to me to rip apart your post or blog and figure out how what will work for us. The biggest thing I brought from your blog was the reminder of the need for rest and time out. Sometimes I forget that the mental stimulation is as exhausting as the physical.


One quick thing about the Docs - and this is for you. Neurology signed off on Mike when he lived and went home. They will refer to other Pros - in your case, NeuroOpthalmology. But mostly, if the issue resolves, they just say they don't know or it is normal healing. That is why we all come here. One would think that if one was a pro in brain study, brain illnesses and recovery; they would be the go to guy. I do my own education, ask my pros I trust and move forward. Bruce's Neuro will sign off on anything I do, as long as he doesn't have to do it - LOL. I need him on board, especially if Bruce strokes again, so keep him happy and in the loop. But I have to decide what is worth follow up and what I can learn to live with. Just some thoughts. Debbie

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