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Short, busy summer



Hard to believe that our summer is coming to a close, but it is. Biggest news for us here is the canoe trip Lesley and I took in July along the US/Canadian border. We allowed 8 days to paddle about 30 miles and do 9 portages which is the land between lakes you must carry all of your gear between. A few of them were most challenging, hilly, rocky, long, one was called Monument portage because it had three official monuments showing the US/Canadian border. We really don't need to see that one again, it was very steep, rocky and about 700 yards long. I am proud to say Lesley carried the food barrel (a hard plastic barrel to keep bears and other critters out of your food). It was the heavyest of the packs, I carried the canoe and one pack. We took two trips to carry all the gear. Lesley only fell once, I fell twice. No harm done, just another challenge to overcome. We made the trip in five days, not the eight we expected. Saw a bear, ate fish, got rained on, saw a double rainbow afterwords, and had a great time. Already planning next years trip. We did learn that in the future we will do what we call "base camping". The moving every few days was tedious and a bit more than we want to do now. Since we had not done this type of trip since my stroke and I am now 67 and Lesley 62, the real purpose of the trip was to see if we could still do it. The answer is positive.


I tried to create a new photo album to show the trip for this blog and finally gave up in frustration, if anyone can help show me how I will post the pic's here. All I could get is that I am not authorized. I did it before, what am I missing?


Lesley is now in New Zealand preparing a 90th birthday party for her mum. Mum will be 90 Sept 3rd. Amazing lady, still drives, albeit not at night and not out of the local area, and lives alone in her own house. I am here with the dogs, and doing "honey do" projects around the house and getting in some late summer fishing, which has been very good this year.


Longtime readers will remember my posting a picture of me lifting my canoe the first time I could after having my stroke. This trip we just took was the culmination of all the effort put into recovery. It has taken over five years, but the results are worth it. I have noticed that I am still getting stronger. I built up significant muscle on the left side (stroke side) during the trip. Shoulder pain is a thing of the past. I am now feverishly working to keep and improve on it. My Bowflex exercise machine and I are good friends again. I know the sands of time are working against me, but I am determined to forestall the effects of aging as long as I can! Sue, I hope this gives some answer to what you mused about a few blogs ago about how we should live life and is it worth climbing the the mountains. I can now say that the triumphs overcome the valleys.


My main concern now is that not all of those who read this will see similar recoveries. I know some who worked harder than I and have little to show for it. This gives me concern about whether I have anymore to contribute to this forum. My recovery is not 100%, but it is to the point where I can do most of what I want to. The last thing I want is for some who have had less recovery than I for whatever reason to feel envy or resentment towards me and wonder "why him and not me" and for my blogs to contribute to any frustration or discouragement they are feeling. I remember the dark days of being in a wheelchair and fighting to suppress such feelings in rehab. It is an issue that really concerns me.


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My main concern now is that not all of those who read this will see similar recoveries. I know some who worked harder than I and have little to show for it. This gives me concern about whether I have anymore to contribute to this forum. My recovery is not 100%, but it is to the point where I can do most of what I want to. The last thing I want is for some who have had less recovery than I for whatever reason to feel envy or resentment towards me and wonder "why him and not me" and for my blogs to contribute to any frustration or discouragement they are feeling. I remember the dark days of being in a wheelchair and fighting to suppress such feelings in rehab. It is an issue that really concerns me.

I'm only one member here and others may think differently but though I don't remember commenting to you before I read all your entries. Your current entry reminded me of an event in my life, right after I had my stroke...

My father informed me that a T.V show was airing that week that I really needed to watch. When I asked what it was about he told me it was about how to choose the best Kayak or canoe! I had one useable arm and could barely open a mayonnaise jar so I had visions of me on the river in a canoe looking like a fly with one of it's wings pulled off! My arm is a good bit better but still canoeing would be out of the question.

Your entries don't discourage me. They encourage me. I don't have to believe my recovery will parallel yours but still I see some measure of recovery can be mine...more than I have faith to see right now...AND I can feel joy and warmth knowing that another stroke survivor is living a fuller life. And if I can also find a depth finder so I can take my father to the deepest point of the river and throw him in, I'll work on canoeing too!


I, for one, hope you stay.

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I just posted some family pictures too and got the same error messages but somehow I got four of the 26 posted but in an album as I wanted to do!! It's hard to do, I can't help you but would love to see the pictures and all the progress you have made so until later we will be waiting to see them!!


Good to hear from you George it's been awhile!!

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George :


I disagree with you where you think your good recovery might make other less fortunate envy your recovery. I feel having voth types of blogs gives newbies hope & strength to fight on.


so I hope you don't feel guilty for your good improvemt & stick around to show all newbies & oldies so much can be achieved with perservence.



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Geoge color me green with envy. I used to row in my teens, only an old rowboat belonging to a friend's father but it gave me great joy. Something about moving along the water under your own steam that beats having a motor do it for you any day.


I'm glad Lesley is doing the daughter thing in New Zealand. Wish her Mum a Happy Birthday from us when you speak to her next.



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