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The Long Journey



On September 22 2008 I suffered a severe Ischemic stroke which left the left side of my body paralyzed and my speech impaired. I was 43 years old, active, and athletic. Now what? From that moment I had the choice of giving up and allowing this event to completely change and ruin my life or fight back and make my body work again.

Drawing upon my own inner strength, I began the long road back by focusing on physical, occupational, and speech therapy. I was determined to use my left side again and walk unassisted but this would not be easy. I was also granted to be in a driver evaluation program at therapy including a driver’s test, which I passed with great pride and relief. I was discharged from therapy, walking with a Cain and some use of my left arm and hand but able to drive back into the real world.

Arrived home and quickly found out that I had little endurance and my balance was off. I talked with my Doctor and knew I needed more rehabbing so I joined a local gym to continue my rehabbing on my own. Now I go to the gym 5 times a week ride bike, using weight machines, treadmill and slowly improved.

In October 2010 heard about 12 week class that prepared the disabled for work, I applied and was accepted to this great program. Graduated in January 2011 with the pride off knowing I could function in the real world though I walked with a limp and moved a little slower I could succeed. I was offered and accepted an internship at a company called Olmsted that helps the blind and handicapped in Western New York. Here I learned how to properly communicate and work with the blind, how to walk with them and their seeing I dogs. I was offered a part-time job as a driver to transport the visually impaired to and from the low vision clinic at Olmsted Center for sight which I gladly accepted. I have been working as a driver and was also given the job of returning defective items (RMA’S) in a Low Vision Rehab Clinic since June 2011 and have not missed a day of work. It feels great to be able to help people and be out in the community again. I can truly say it has been a long journey.


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Ken I share your joy in being a working member of society again. A long load I am sure but it sounds like you are well on the way. Based upon my own experience I am sure you will continue to notice substansal improvement in the future. Good luck and thanks for the report!

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Ken :


you are doing great in your recovery. I stroked at age 34 & have realised along with hysical recovery emotional recovery is also equally important. would love to know you more through this blog window you provided to us. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, but fortunately I found satisfaction by volunteering at different places & got time to be stay at home mom who now enjoys raising our son.


Asha(now 42 year old survivor)

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Ken, thanks for that gret insight into your life and a warm welcome to the Blog Community.


You are a good exmple for those who are able to be self-motivated and just get on with it. You did those things you needed to do to get to where you aimed to go. I commend you on that.


Now , settle in, become a regualr blogger and enjoy being here.



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I did the same but i didnt go to no gym . I did mine at home when i came


home form rehab i was in a walker . . I said to my self that i was Going to

to walk again it took me the rest of that year to be able to put the walker down

an walk baby steps fpr about six weeks doing that an then i took the walker away an just start walking io got the uses of my right came back An now im on my own . it fells go to think i could do this 0on my own . Now i clean my house by myself . anvacum by myself an every thing to . God has bless me .


Little jo

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WOW Ken,


Your long journey resembles mine so closely as I was working on my scooter at Walmart 2 years after my stroke and not yet able to walk over a few feet! They hired me as a greeter in the garden center a job I really liked because I could exercise all day on the bars of the cart rack in the garden center. I stood most of my 8 hour shift!!


Ken, when you know you can do something and get the chance to do it that feels so good being a survivor!! You are happier because of it as I was and I'm still going to therapy 8 years later again!!


Keep on trucking Ken life is good!!

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