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A New Season Is Upon Us



Tomorrow 1 September we enter into a new season (Fall)!! while other parts of the world has a different season coming then of course we all will welcome winter while it will be summer in other places!


Those folks up north will head south to Florida or maybe Arizona and enjoy the weather there soaking up the sun!! Meanwhile the fall will prep us for winter and putting up Christmas trees for the kids


I hope all of us will continue our recovery process with our exercises and therapy because it works best when we do it year round! Our therapy sessions are very limited by our insurances or our ability to pay from our pockets but still exercising at home, the Y or where ever we can will work better than dropping workouts altogether!!


It is a time for care givers to get a little break too while the kids are at school and the loved one is chilling out or watching the birds from the patio if it isn't too cool outside where you live!! Either way I sure hope all of you can find things to do, places to go other than doing a lot of cleaning in the house!! I just get out my swifter duster hit and miss a few spots so it looks clean and my wife is happy I stretched my arms working out!! I don't have to move any furniture she knows it's way too heavy for me to move!! She does expect me to make the bed however!!


I do walk with the little puppy while her master is in school all day!! My grand daughter made 8 years old 17 August and her puppy makes 8 months 1 September!! The other advantage of this time of year is the electric bills will be less than in the summer time so that's a big savings for me trying to cool a two story house with 100 degree heat daily!! The puppy loves to ride with me on the scooter too but I have to keep the leash on her or she will hop off and run under the fence into a neighbors back yard!! She comes back at her own time!!


That gives me something to do other than staying in the super markets tasting foods and veggies they want you to buy or in Walmart or our Sam's Club shopping and comparing prices!! This is the time of year many stores got stuff on sale they want to unload before the new things arrive for the fall season!! I end up spending the dollars I save from the lower electric bills in the stores or in gas!! I'm always looking for new dogie treats because when she see me eating she is looking for something too!


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Fred, a new season is upon us too but the old one is not giving up without a fight! There is rain tonight and a bitterly cold wind so I guess we will have to wait a while to put on our frilly spring dresses. Ho hum!


It is Fathers Day tomorrow (2nd September) so I am hoping for a fine day as we want to take Ray outside to picnic. Trev is pretty strong so between us we should have that big over-stuffed comfy chair bumping over the grass with Ray in it.


Hope you fall days linger and you get to enjoy the cooler days without the cold nights for some time yet.



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Fred, you are so right about this being a great time of the year. After a warm muggy summer by our standards anyway, I am glad to see it go. The sweaty 80+ days have given in to dry 70's and 60's. I love it, looking forward to winter soon. We already have some early leaf color, snow will soon follow (I hope anyway). The fishing here is winding down, and a good season it has been. Still a bit of fall fishing to do then plowing snow!

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this would be my favorite season if it wasfollowed by spring and not winter.70's days 50's nights. however can't open windows because s.u.n.y. is doing more construction with excavators starting at 6:00AM,.i prefer waking to birds and not heavy equipment and not 6;00. hope you're done with the 100's. wed. starts my giants against your cowboys or are you a texan fan? blessings lynn

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