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Driving after stroke



Just over 4 years ago I had a right side stroke that paralyzed my left side. After months of therapy my physical therapist and my doctor said I could try to drive again. I filed the necessary paper work with the DMV, had a right side turn signal lever installed, and a spinner knob installed on the steering wheel. At first I was a bundle of nerves and concentrated very hard on my driving. It took some time to get comfortable driving again. That was when I realized that I was spending all my time concentrating on what was ahead of me that I was ignoring what was beside or behind me. As I got more comfortable I was able to check in all directions. I am very happy to say I have been driving now for more than 3 years without an accident, or even a close call. Not even a traffic ticket. So I say to all who want to try to drive after a stroke if I can do it so can you.


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Congratulations Glenn. I'm sure that makes you feel more independent. My spouse, Larry, had a right brain stroke and left side affected. I don't think he will be able to drive in the near future as he still cannot turn his head and see too well on the left side. There is no need for him to drive anyway as I have to accompany him.


Take care,



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That's great Glenn and driving again makes you feel so good again just continue to be careful on the roadways cause so many people these days drive in the passing lane going less than the speed limits!! That makes passing a big problem!!

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Can I ask you what kind of paperwork did you have to file with the DMV? Mike has never had anyone ask for his liscense so I don't know what I need to do about his driving again. He has never been deemed not able to drive by anyone that I know of. Would they have told us if he was not suppose to drive? Anybody got any ideas or comments to help me out with this?



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Cat, when Larry was gung ho on driving again, he asked his OT and she gave him the information. They have a drivers training course at the rehab facility in which you can complete and take the driver's test. There is a fee for this. You could also contact the DMV in your state.



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Good questions Catbeleu, after my sroke and I haded two TIA, my family and doctor said nodriving. At first I did not want to drive (I haded my stroke in 2010) now I am wondering if I can, I still have my liscense, and I miss the freedom. Does anyone knows if I have to take another driving test? or if I have to take a speical test? I live in Florida.

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I believe every state is different, I live in New York and my OT put me through a driving test first you had to pass a visual and reaction test then a road test, I would first ask your doctor, then your local DMV

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I live in Utah and the doctor had to fill out a “ functional ability evaluation medical report” which I mailed to the DMV. I had to have a visual test but no driving test.

I might add that some drivers get irritated at me because I will not drive faster than the speed limit. Seems like no one pays any attention to the speed limits any more.

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I don't know if they even reported Mikes disability to the DMV. I never recieved anything saying he is not suppose to drive. I let him drive to town for the first time yesterday and he did fine. Like you though Glenn he drove slowly and obeyed all speed limits. But he has always been that way. He never was a speed demon! LOL

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There is always hope Pam! Never give up hope! You are young and vibrant, you can do anything you put your mind to! Keeping you in my prayers!! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))



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I had a right brain stoke and can't use my left arm or hand. I have a spinner wheel on my steering wheel and have been practicing driving with my son and with my husband. I'm too scared on the interstate and my left arm tenses and raises when I drive over 40mph. I tend to look straight ahead and have difficulty checking my mirrors. I'm hoping that the more I practice, the more comfortable I'll get. My stroke was a year ago in June. I get scared to release the spinner knob to reach across the steering wheel to use my turn signal. I hate that i'm so nervous. I used to love to drive.

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Someone told me, I can't remember who, that Ohio is a 'self reporting' state, and you have to disclose it when you apply for your license. They said if you don't, and are in an accident, you are in big trouble. That sure sounds like they expect to test you in someway to prove you are ok to drive, so they would need you to report it so they could do their end of making sure. If you failed to do that, then it was like you prevented them from assuring you were safe on the road, and may knock out your insurance.


First ask his doctor if he clears him to drive. If he says yes, then call your DMV and tell them the doctor has not restricted his driving from him having a stroke, but is there anything you have to clear with them, and let them take it from there.

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