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Pension - now you see it, now you don't....



Well, my life has been a blur of trying to get insurance and such going. Phone calls from hell, that eat the whole day. I was telling the girl that called to tell me the LTD had been approved that we had taken his pension early, at a lower amount, just so we could afford to pay our retired/disabled insurance rates. To which she informed me that I needed to send her a copy of that, because our LTD would be diminished by that amount. So... we took our pension early, at a lower rate, just so we'd get none of it and they'd get it? What is wrong with this system that no one tells me about this until EXACTLY ONE DAY AFTER it is too late to change anything? I feel like blowing my brains out, but no worries, we have no guns.


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If only anyone had said something about it in all the conversations I've had with pension and LTD, I could have still stopped it on the 14th, and applied in several more years (when his LTD stops) and gotten a higher amount. I feel like they played me for a fool, so deceived and sucker punched, as they told me on the 15th.

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I know what is it about a day-- and it always seems to be a day after we learn we missed out on ___________ ( something important) I am so sorry... that sucks and that is BS...

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Is his LTD through his employer of the government? I don't understand why they have to lower it by that much. It should not matter how much money you have if it is an insurance plan paid into his employer. Is there anyone else you can talk to? I have never herd of that!!

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LTD is from his employer, and so is the pension plan. what it amounts to is the company is not going to pay you twice for receiving some form of retirement, whether disability or retirement type. You can only choose one type to retire and get benefits from. It does make sense to me, BUT, if only any one of the people I've talked to countless times had mentioned it, we would not have applied for his pension, but waited till his LTD disability runs out anyway, and by then, we would have gotten his pension, at a much higher amount.


The only way I MIGHT be able to stop this total loss of his pension amount is to put it in an IRA, still untouchable by us until retirement age and LTD stops, or they will latch onto it. But at least, it is ours, if we live that long to collect it. I cannot find out if I can get by with doing this, until tomorrow, when people are at work again. I can't tell you I just feel so shot in the head and limp from this sucker punch. I feel like I've been made a fool of by the system and they are all laughing at me for being so stupid to apply for his pension now, so they could get it and take it off his LTD, which has already reduced the amount they give us by the SocSec disability he will receive.


People who are in an accident and win awards from it from the other person's insurance company, also have that their disability reduced by the insurance awards they get. Like if you were supposed to get disability of $1000 a month, and you won $10,000, no disability for 10 months, best I can figure.

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I am not a real fan of lawyers, but at this point I would contact one to see why all the options and consequences were not fully explained to you. Good luck.

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most conversations are recorded in these cases start appealing right away and think carefully were you led to believe this -- was this intentional - accidental --- anyhow the person assisting you prior to this should have advised you of how this works -- after all that is there job... to know and understand the plan and to assist you the consumer - of the product... appeal babe... and dont forget you have congressmen and this is a re- election year --- move quick and start making noise!!!!

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9:00AM Victoria not in today, talked to guy, maybe Ralph. He kept thinking I was asking him to stop Disability from taking the check and he kept saying he couldn't stop them, they were not connected with disability. I finally got thru that I needed him to stop the pension, so that LTD couldn't take, as we took it early, at a cut in benefits, just so we could use it to pay our non-working insurance premiums, and we are not going to see one red cent of it for 5 years, till LTD is over, they will take it all, and THEN we are still getting the lower amount for life, because we took it early and handed it over to THEM! He is trying to stop it, I pray so hard, that it can be done, because supposedly, it is unstoppable now, but hope there is a tiny crack where the first payment has not been sent and they really can stop it, but don't like to tell people about it. I already had a planned call from Victoria, tomorrow(Tues) about the pension set up, so now I will have to wait for her to tell me tomorrow what has happened since today. Yet, I'm afraid to leave the phone, incase they call and need some time pertinent response, and I miss it.

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sandy do consider bringing in BIG GUNS--- start talking to your local state level rep.. and contact your congressman.. i am not kidding -- unless this has resolved itself.. hopfully it has..

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Nancy - They called me today, and God has had mercy on us! It is stopped! I would have done what you said and contacted the congressman, for sure. Good to realize election year matters a lot!


Another thing going on here, is my husband worked hand in hand with the plant manager, who is good friends with one of the vice presidents of this global company. They have set up an team to study this problem and are following all the trouble I've had with bringing all the things together, when the employee is disabled. Up till now they didn't even grasp that a disabled employee was no longer at work with his computer and had no company access to online benefit books, nor to his work email, that they want to send info to! I hope they are able to make this process easier for anyone else that has a disability hit them. I have been making notes all along, and they are studying them.

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OH Sandy I am so happy for you guys!!!!! And I am very proud of you for getting on the ball wiht this thing! I get so mad at these people that are in these positions and know nothing of what is going on. If you had not been diligent in this matter you would have lost all that money. Wonder how many others have lost it because of this, But because of you maybe others wont have to lose it in the future!



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This is another part of the notes that the company now has. There is not alert/warming/stop to let people who have become disabled realize that if they take their pension it will only offset their LTD. So, they are now considering whether when someone received their pension pkg, if the front page should contain the warning, mentioned above. :)

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They sent me a packet to read yesterday comparing cobra and company disab insurance. Guess what else people don't know and can blunder into? If they are disabled and take their pension, not only does LTD get it, but they also become ineligible for company insurance! This could be really bad if they find it out down the road, as their cobra option would have closed already.

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