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Not myself



For the last few days I have not been myself. I have been trying for the last six weeks, walking, watching what I eat, and to me I see no different,, and my blood pressure is still high. The doctor had said I may need to go to the hospital, but all they do is test, fill me up with drugs, ask me if Iam depress, and I just shake my head and think NO! I love you poking me,and talking to me when Iam full of drugs. Now I want to go and spend time with my Parents and sisters who live in England, but the doctor said get the blood pressure down. I am trying, she put me on new medcine, and told my daughter, with me sitting there, that I need to remember that I have two major things wrong with me, high blood pressure,and diabetes. This I know, Iam not silly, but I have changed since the stroke, and I want to see my family. They came to see me two years ago. My husband, try to understand but the other day I lost it not like me. My daugter is great, she has two children, and the grand kids are my heart, but I ach to see my Parents, and my sisters. During the day I get lonely, I do not drive, I went for a bus ride, but waiting for the bus, and it was hot(I live in Florida) Iam normal so postive, but my head is hurting so I know back to the doctor, and to the hospital. Sorry, it could be worse, I do feel better just typing this down, I am a praying women, and I know it could be worse, so what is wrong?


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I'm curious as to what HBP med your doctor got you taking??? Some works good for us and some of them works great to keep our pressures real low most of the times!!


Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg works the best for me in the last 9 years and I have had high pressure nearly all my life! I think it's called HTZD or something like that??


Ask your doctor about it and see what is said about you using that??

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English: it is good to have and set goals. And I know six weeks of long, hard work without a good pay off is tough to accept. But you are a stroke survivor and nothing in stroke comes fast or easy.


Set your sights on a Spring trip overseas. Six months is much more doable than six weeks. Use the fall to set up a good exercise routine for every day. The one good thing is your location, because in Florida it will be easier to get out every day and walk. That will also help the blood pressure and the diabetes, but honey, you must hydrate.


For the heart and the diabetes, get a very rigid diet on board. Planning your meals ahead with snacks will also help to fill a lot of the time. Fit in naps, elevate those feet. For pleasure, do some shopping, getting in some new outfits for the trip. I would find a Yoga or Tai Chi class and do get to the library. Nothing like a good novel to take the stress off.


The trick is to find and center on a new routine. The goal is the trip and seeing your family. And I would really consider an antidepressant. It seems you are spiraling down and in a "rut". My ex would call it "batter's slump." Time to make some changes and refocus. Know I am thinking of you and please do keep us posted. Debbie

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hi Englishlady :


I am no doctor or nurse but could not agree 100% with debbie. stroe without major deficits is also hard adjustment, make sure you take care of your BP & diabetes like doctors have asked you, cause they are big risk factors for another one, hope you feel better soon.



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Thank you , every one, Ethy17, your ideas were spot on. I am going to the doctor next week, and I have promise that if my blood pressure is high Iam going to listen and if I have to go to the hospital I will. I am now looking to go to England by March, . I keep in touch.

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I'm so glad you are getting such good advice from people who know from experience. Know you are in my prayers, too. I will be traveling with my husband in two weeks to visit my parents. There's a number of things about this trip that scares me, though. I understand how you feel about wanting to go home. Keep up the good fight!



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