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the time between



Most of you know that Ray died on 19th September, late in the afternoon. I haven't got the death certificate but likely cause is the pneumonia he couldn't get rid of plus a lot of other factors. As we all know Ray has been seriously ill for some time. I had been with him most of that day and the three days before but had gone home to have a shower and come back. A nurse rang for me to go back but he died before I got there. I was relieved as he had been struggling to breathe, for two days had refused food and drink and really was just so tired and yet could not sleep.


The doctor ordered pain relief and put him on oxygen and the nurse who was with him said his passing was peaceful, Shirley and I and Trevor all went and sat with him for a while and our other son Steven came with his work partner Phil and picked him up and took him to the funeral home. I guess that is as much as you can do. Since then I have been making and receiving phone call after phone call as friends find out and ring with their condolences.There is so much to do but I still have Shirley here and we are doing it a bit at a time. Shopping lists are everywhere, growing and growing.


As our local paper does not come out before the funeral we are having to notify as many people as possible by phone call, email and Facebook. I know that is not an ideal situation and less personal than I would like it to be but it is the best I can do. Sure I will miss telling a few people and they will be mad at me but then if they have not been in touch recently how will I know if they wanted to know or not? Three out of four of Ray's brothers and sisters are coming - one sister is "just too busy".


Our minister came yesterday just as the funeral arranger (a nice Salvation Army lass who knows Shirley) was finishing her work and so we have the funeral arranged, the plot selected, the program for the funeral written out. We are not catering for the afternoon tea but will pay a small sum per head to have the church ladies prepare and serve it for us. Hour by hour it all seems to be coming together. A few friends have called in and spent time with us, Trevor is here every day, Steven calls a few times a day, even my sister came to visit with us today. It is just as well we have cakes in the freezer and a lot of groceries we purchased yesterday.


I have had great support from our Lions Club, Apex40 Club, church friends old and new. A lot of you lovely people have posted me messages, sent emails, posted on Doreen's thread or on my Facebook page. Thank you so much. I cannot tell how I feel as I am simply trying to make sense of it all. Oh to turn back the clock and slow time down and have some time to come to terms with it all. But sensibly there are a multitude of tasks that need to be done and I have to do them with the help of others. Club memebrs from WAGS our stroke recovery group have urged me not to withdraw, to continue to be a member, attend meetings etc. It is too early to make those kinds of decisions.


Our minister said I am the kind of person who will keep busy as I usually do but to look out for the fall over the cliff that brings back hard the love now lost, the things no longer shared, the precious memories no longer created. I "know" all about that but I think knowing isn't everything, we are all human and do our best in every situation but acceptance is always hard won. I need to have a plan but need to opt out when I need to, nothing like a nanny nap when needed or a walk on the beach. I have friends on standby for cups of coffee or just a chat when I feel alone. I don't know how I will go, just again need to take it one step at a time as usual.


I have asked the church and other organizartions to give me some time off and time out. No I will not be preaching the sermon on 30th of September, I am not going to a Lions meeting or taking on any outside task at all. There is still so much that will need to be done plus Mum to visit in her nursing home. I am expecting a deluge of paperwork as I sort out what is left of our financial affairs. It will take time, time, and more time.


Shirley's husband Craig is coping at home with the little ones, his mother who is visiting and has been sick herself and the tasks he still has time to do for his Salvation Army Corps. He is in touch with Shirley a few times a day, catching up with our news, asking about tasks she does and he usually doesn't do. Luckily the chikldren are now on holidays for two weeks and Shirley and Craig are on holidays too as of Monday. Craig and his two will be coming up then, delayed a day as he will have to take his Mum home first. I am looking forward to them being here.But I will make sure they move on a few daysafter the funeral and enjoy some family time. I will be okay or not depending on the day.


Thank you for your ongoing suport .




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Sue although we have never met in person -- you and your story have been a guiding light to me and others to see our way through that darkness we all inevitably enter after a stroke hits.... we have all been so fortunate to have your wisdom and caring words.. i am so sorry for your loss - it is all our loss as we have come to "know " you and Ray through your writtings... we will continue to be here for you and thankyou for always being here for us ..nancyl

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All I can say is take time to do what you got to do and what you can't get done don't let it worry you, you are just one person not a mechanical being or robot! You did all you could for Ray while he was alive and you have to believe he passed in peace with all the time he was given by our good Lord no matter the reason!


I would want to leave this life in the same manner knowing my wife did all she could do until I was called home! Like Nancy said above, you have been a guiding light to all of us and I take that to heart. I yet may be able to visit Australia one day and at least get to meet you and the kids for my second time ever to that country!


I remember my first time there I was a wounded soldier from Vietnam sent there to recuperate some before returning to the states but right today that wound is still giving me trouble in my back oh so close to my spine and being paralyzed for life!


Hang on in there Sue and what you can't get done or those you can't notify in time the funeral must go on!! Thanks again!!

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Sue, I just found out of Ray's passing. My sincere condolonces to you and Your Family. It will be a crazy, busy time for awhile. and time for the "reality" to sink in.

I did find a widow site. widowedvillage.org Like here people from all over and even a few from Austrailia. It has reall been a savior to me to find people who understand ..loosing your spouse. it has great groups and Blogs also.

I admire you so very much for your love and support.. You have devoted yourself to Ray and others. Please be gentle with yourself, take time to rest and take time to Grieve. A great Book : Widow To Widow can be ordered from Amazon. I am also going to a grief support group. Wrapping my arms around you in a long hug... I am here for you... usually e mail.. but you can let me know if you want to chat.....

Ray fought long and hard and had your love all the way. May you find peace.

Love you girl, Bonnie

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Sue, so sorry to hear of your loss. I know the feeling of losing someone with a lingering medical issue, as my first wife finally lost her six year battle with breast cancer. You will likely get a lot of advice on how and how long to grieve, but just like strokes, each of us grieve in our own way and in our own time. I know you gave your best and I also know you will feel like maybe you could have done more. Don't you believe it dear, you did the best you could at the time just like Ray did. Know that he is in a better place and in perfect health now. Take whatever comfort in that that you can. God Bless!

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Sue :


Even though I never met you, Ray, Mum & your family before through your writing I feel close to all of you, and along with you I will miss Ray too, though I know you both have gave good fight to difficult circumstances of your life, hope you find peace & comfort knowing Ray is on his happy trails till you meet him again. I am gld you have comfort of your family & non virtual friends in your hour of need. as your virtual friend all I can do keep you in my thoughts and prayers & send you lot of vitual hugs,


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Sue, I'm so very sorry to hear of Ray's death. You have been my inspiration. You are such a strong woman and you've done so much for so many people. Take time for yourself now. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. God bless you and thank you for your wisdom.


Mary Jo ((((((((((hugs hugs hugs hugs))))))))))

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So good to see you on the board again as everyone is praying for you and sending what support we can from here. It has been a long hard road for you and you have handled Ray's illness with the best you could do for him. He is finally at peace now and not suffering. I'm happy to hear you have Shirley and other family members there at this sad time.


Take care and God bless you and your family. Go slow with all you have to do.



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i just learned of ray's passing and i'm sending all the love i can through this site.please keep us updated as to how you are doing. you are such a part of our family; your wisdom, compassion and love shines so bright. my sincere smypathies and prayers. know that our cyber hugs are encircling you, only because we can't be there in person. as jo says take time for yourself and be gentle with your thoughts. you gave your best as did ray. blessings lynn

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Sue, I am far away. But, my love and prayers are going out to you and your family.


I am so sad to hear of your loss. It will be hard. I lost my first husband to a lingering illness. It was very hard.


Yes , after everybody leaves it will be hard.


But, your cyberfamily is here for you.


I am sending hugs and prayers. God Bless.



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Sue: from me as well hugs and prayers. Please give those grandbabies kisses for me and hold them close. I am glad Shirley, Trev and Steven, Edie and Craig are all on board and with you. Go easy honey, some tough days coming. Love, Debbie

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Guest hostwill


Sue, you have been an inspiration to us all May the Lord bring you peace and comfort in your hour of need. I'll keep you in my prayers.


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I posted my condolences but had a power outage so won't repeat them all. Grief is handled by people in a lot of ways. Follow the will of the Lord and know that Ray is free from pain and suffering. He will join the many who have already gone to the great mansion in the sky. Let people help you; there is so much to do but you have so many who want to help. God bless you. Leah

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Dear Sue,

I'm not on the site often, but have read your blogs and just learned of Ray's passing. My heartfelt sympathies and prayers to you. You gave all you could to Ray in this life, and he has gone home. He is well now and joyous I am certain. Let that thought help comfort you. We all grieve differently, but God will help you through all this. You are in my prayers, Bev

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Sue, I just learned of Ray's passing. I want you to know how sorry I am for your loss. I know how difficult things have been for both you and Ray. I am thinking of you as you go through this most difficult time. Know that your online community is saddened by your loss and is praying for you. Bob

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Dear Sue, thinking of you, take your time, time is the healer. Good that you are surrounded by family and family friends, know that you are surrounded by your online family. God bless.

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Dear Sue, I had been wondering if something had happened, as I hadn't seen anything from you. As it turns out, you had posted, but I don't know why I didn't see it. I can only say how much I think of you and the journey you and Ray have been on so long. I pray for your peace and send my love at this hardest of times for you. (((Sue)))

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