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Another trip to ER



Q:What do you get when you cross a can lid with a stroke survivor on blood thinners?


A: A 3 hour visit to the ER and 5 stitches in thier foot!


I can sort of laugh about this now but at the time it was not funny. Mike and I were so looking foward to just sitting watching our favorite show on Thursday night. We were gonna just kick back eat some boiled peanuts and watch some SOA, so I go get the peanuts, open the can, drain the juice and pour them up in a bowl. Mike is sitting in his PC at the counter helping. I sat the can down on the counter and he decides to push the lid down into the can so that we can use it to put the hulls in. He pushes down on the lid and the whole can slides off the counter! He trys to catch it, to no avail, so here it goes down on his bad foot slicing the top of it wide open! I grab a towel apply pressure and pray the bleeding stop! After about 5 min I take the towel off and sure enough the bleeding has stopped but not for long. Mike is a pretty big man but when it comes to needles he is like a little boy! Finally after realising the bleeding is not gonna stop without stitches he agrees to go to the ER. 3 hours and 5 stitches later we are back home! Whew what an evening! No more cans around him!! LOL!




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My O my, all I can say is thank God you were home with him and able to get him to the Hospital for much needed care! I suppose you could have put all the peanuts in one bowl then got another one for him! However we usually don't think about the safest way to get things done especially when preparing to watch TV, movies and the like!

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Cat: so thankful Mike is OK. Nothing scarier. I did it to me with the top of the cat food. Bruce fell on his face out of the WC when he was first home. He is only on aspirin, but that was bad enough. Did the right thing, honey. Glad you are both home again. Go easy, Debbie

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Guest hostwill


Blood thinner is a must for most of us. I'm glad things worked out for the best.


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Cat, since I am often out in the woods fishing alone far from cell phone coverage, etc, bleeding is constant concern of mine and Lesley. There are several products available to help this problem, new skin for one and some others as well. Having some of it on hand is not a bad idea. I am never far from it no matter where I go. Cabelas outdoor stores and I am sure others have some skin patching stuff in foil packets for just the type of injury you described. I would look into it, especially when Mike starts riding his motorcycle again.

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Wow, five stitches....must have been quite a gash in his foot. I also am very glad it happened while you were there. Sounds like yall are having my kind of luck. Did they have to put him to sleep to do the stitches or just give him a bullet to bite on? LOL

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George that is a good idea I will have to get some of that and keep it close by. If I had had some however I am not sure that I could have talked him into getting the stitches and as deep as it was it really needed them bad!

LOL Dina, he wishes they had put him to sleep! He freaks out at the sight of blood so I had to get between him and the doctor so he could not see what he was doing to him. Put numbing meds in with needle! OUCH! then stitched it up! He hollered the whole time they were numbing it!

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Oh no, it's stuff like that I don't have to deal with yet, because Bob can't do anything. I know the day will come when I will have to worry about every move it makes, because of things just like this. I'm glad he is none the worse for the wear, but are you?

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