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Fasten your seat belts



I knew this week was going to be busy, but now it is down right crazy.


Weather turning colder, fall is upon us. Low 70s during the days, low 40s overnight. A hard frost will be upon us soon. Mary Beth had hers, in New Hampshire, just this weekend, so we are right behind. Our leaves are just beginning to turn. I made it a point to get Bruce out this weekend for some nice drives, as he does so love this time of year. I don't want us to be at peak and have him miss all the preliminaries!


I had taken two days off when Walter visited and of course, am paying for that at work. We switch over to a new computer system October 8th and it has been a flurry to get all our information to the programmers and try to trouble shoot some of this changeover.


Bruce and I did the BJs Thursday afternoon, since I could not go Tuesday night when Debi and Carole came to have dinner with him. Paperwork had backed up and I had to do some paperwork for my financial advisor. We also got the news that Kira needed some teeth pulled and I wanted that scheduled soonest as she had lost weight. Friday was a disaster. Bruce is still trying to get back into routine and Friday he was totally off. So for the weekend I stayed to our usual weekend routine, with some extra drives; knowing that next weekend I would be have to be available for Kira's recovery.


In typical Debbie mode, I sketched out our week and Monday morning 9am, Bruce's roommate arrived for a visit! He had planned it with Bruce, did not call me. Of course, Bruce did not tell me. It was a wonderful visit, as it always is. And Don is welcome here anytime, but I explained to him that it was 50-50 we would be here if he did not tell me. Its a long ride back to RI for nothing!


Bruce had physical today. His PCP is retiring in December. It was precious to see the two of them talking. They have been together 30 years. Bruce got a good talking to! I pray it helps. So, it will be a hunt to find a new one. This Doc is almost an hour away, so I am hoping Bruce agrees to have someone, now, closer to home. It was a rush to get Bruce into the shower and on the road, when I got out of work. Yesterday was the grooming day and that got put off. Tomorrow I am at work all day, except for a break at lunch time. Friday furnace to be cleaned and Kira to have her surgery. We pick her up around 4pm. Thank goodness for my caregivers. Erma will come early and take care of things here, while I take Kira and go to work.


So that leaves everything else jammed into Thursday afternoon. And it is a matter of deciding what must be done and what can be put off.


Bruce did take me to dinner tonight. He was so proud. He said to me "I think you should have a glass of wine!" You know, we do that so infrequently that it really is like date night again now. When we were both working 60 hours a week, we would plan out a date night. Usually one of us was interrupted from work anyway, but we tried so hard to make those rare evenings special. And it seems like we are back to that. Sit and talk, enjoy a good meal, get waited on, catch up with each other. I find we converse more now, talking about how we feel, the days events. Life seems more relaxed, easier. Part of that is feeling I have my buddy back on some level. That, in turn, makes me feel less anxious, less alone.


Any routine change brings consequences and more tension between us, more work for me. But I hesitate less, seem more flexible in trying new things because he gets back quicker. Yes, we still have bad and very bad days, but the stretches of good days are longer and he is acknowledging what is happening and how he feels, finally. Debbie


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hey Debbie :


don't try to control everything in life, relax & just go with flow that will help you enjoy life more with Bruce.



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You are so right..."Fasten your seat belts" But the big thing is Bruce is recovering more as the time goes by and you are still handling your work job in spite of all you do in caring for him and the household yourself!!


That's part of why I went to work for 3 years at Walmart to recover some of the pay she lost by quitting her job to take care of me of a year and it probably made me want to get better faster!! I was then able to do the bill paying, writing checks, and getting around town plus I was driving again and had my scooter for light shopping and doctor visits!!

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Wow, what a great thing to dinner out and then even have Bruce suggest a glass of wine! That shows just how much he appreciates you Debbie.


You can be proud of all you do with Bruce and his recovery. I don't know how you do it with working too. You are superwoman!


Hope Kira's surgery goes well. The vet knows what he is doing. I can say that our Furby is doing much better since he had those drated teeth pulled.



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I hope you told his room mate that HE needs to tell you! It would be so annoying if you had Bruce loaded to go somewhere, after getting him all ready, and someone showed up, who could so easily have called. I'm glad you had a nice date night out, it certainly will help you feel more like there is some left of the good old days.


I hope you are able to find closer doctors, too. We changed for that very reason, as just the thought of trying to get him on the road for 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back PLUS the time of being there, was way too much. Our doctor and dentist are now 10 minutes away. So was PT.


It's amazing what we are all able to do, how do we do it? I just feel sad because I felt too tired to do anything with fibromyalgia... now I don't have time to complain, I just do it and keep praying for strength that I won't fail!

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ok so take this with the same grain of salt you gave me LOL--------- why is your plate so full ? are you hungry?? scrape some of that off- or your gonna go anemic like me... LOL nancyl (((hugs)))

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You and Bruce are doing well. Change is the monster that keeps nipping us in the bottom.

We are used to change and we do manage.


I love the idea of cool weather. I am glad that the two of you were able to get out and have a date night.



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