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Anniversary Date going on 5 yrs



blog-0154465001349778246.jpgTomorrow 10th will mark my son's post stroke anniversary date. The Doctors told us after his crainotomy to get his affairs in order..He is a miracle...Numerous changes in the years but a long road to haul to say the least. Mostly for him but for the whole family and me the caregiver. The picture is one of him walking the last 100 ' or so for the Hunger Walk that our church sponsored. His attitude is amazing and he is such an inspiration to so many people. Although me being the primary caregiver, it gets difficult many times but many happy times too. He can remember jokes like no other and tells them to all his friends at therapies and to his doctors, they actually ask for new jokes when they see him. He has some support from his wife and daughter (12) and is in the gameroom of the home with them. We live on the same property (a phone call away)so its just a walk or quad ride for me. He continues to impove which is wonderful. His balance is so much better since he had foot surgery in April. He doesnt complain about pain and his left side (arm mostly) is not useful. He complains mostly about losing his independence and having to depend on others (mostly me) We are trying to find a support group and going to one this saturday, I hope there are some close to his age (42) to aquaint with. He misses the old "Jay" and talks about it a lot. We are very busy and this is a full time job for me as I take to all the therapies, church, social events, and anything to help him get better.My life is his life. I do have times of despair but always think it could be worse..some people who raise handicapped children from birth deal with it so I'm sure i can for however long I have to or can. From the very beginning I said "Its a time thing" so to any new stroke people out there really it is and every stroke is different. I dont think I could have made it this far if we didnt have our faith.


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hi Perino :

is it possible that your son can join this online support group, I know it made huge difference in my outlook on life. tell him not to project his life based on his life today, worst part of his ride is over, now ride is going up so all of you just enjoy the ride.


Asha(now 42 year old survivor)

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All I can say is God is Good all the time and all the time God is good to us in so many ways!! We are not doing it on our own He is right there by our sides!!


It takes faith all the time, I'm a believer and that's how we made it back in the 50's with food to eat and a roof over our heads!! My mother was a praying woman and I came out of that time frame OK, skinny but OK!!



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Thanks for the update Debbie, you are one of our long haul caregivers and anything you can pass onto the newbies here is very welcome. i know you came on about three years ago, two years after your son's stroke and were struggling then so maybe you can do a blog on how things change and why?


Thanks for being here.



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