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one of those months - a whole term of stress

doreen payne


lily, my 12 yr old, has migraines. they are getting worse and she has missed half of last term. drs here wouldn't do anything so I had to go to another town. finally got a referral to a paediatrician. hoping he will be able to help. she takes deralin 2 tablets 3 times a day and they are not helping much. I am so frustrated and I am not coping the school is really good and very understanding thank God! I don't know what to do.


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my daughter has a friend who is a medical dr. and her daughter has suffered terrible with migrains... she even gets migrains in her stomach.. i didnt know such a thing exisited.. this kid has been to he-l and back ... i know her parents have sought medical attention all over the US and in all honesty no real help has been had for the kid--- BUT she does appear to be "growing out of it"... i doubt this helps you much but just a informational narrative. nancyl

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See if you can speak to the school nurse to get the name(s) of a doctor there or nearby town without running all over to find a pediatrician to help her and maybe change her meds to one that really works for her!!!


Otherwise get on the computer and search or the telephone book!!!

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My neighbor's daughter, who is 13, has had a constant headache since January. Turns out she has Lyme disease, don't know if you have that where you are. She is getting some kind of therapy, I'll have to ask for more details next time I speak to them. Just having a migraine for a few hours is so terrible, I can't imagine long term.

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I hope they can find out what is causing them and help her. Migraines are terrible, I had constant ones, plus visual auras that I started getting after neck spasms, but seemed to stay on board after that straightened out. Have they checked her diet for migraine causing foods? Does she have a place where they seem to start from. I had a place, on the side of my nose, that always felt pain in it, and it would start feeling like I had a screwdriver sticking in there, and that my teeth were unscrewing from their sockets and my eyes would hurt. Mine were fixed, wonderfully, by verapamil, but everyone has their own fix. I never have them anymore, long as I take the verapamil.

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